US state flags Find the US state capitals US states in order Sporcle US states – can you name the US states? The classic and possibly most popular, the Sporcle US states quiz simply asks you to name each and every one of North America’s 50 states. Arizona, Alaska… ummm, Alabama?
CAPITALIZER– Get 100% onUS Capitals. This is just a small sample of what Sporcle has to offer. Check out ourBadge Pageto find hundreds of other great badges you and your students can earn! 5) Or just play a quiz One of the best ways to use Sporcle in the classroom is to just jum...
During the 10th and 11th centuries, Kyivan Rus’ became one of the largest and most powerful states in Europe, leading to the development of a national identity for Ukrainians and Russians. Kyiv would become the most important city of the Rus’, and today, it remains as the capital of Ukr...