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There is much more to continental status than just geography, however. Politics must also be considered, and politically Indonesia seems to fall much more in line with other countries in Asia. Indonesia is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperatio...
but I have never once come back with the items my wife sent me to the store to get. A few years ago, I started thinking about this more seriously after readingInto the Silent Landby Paul Broks for a class I was taking on neuroscience and culture. If...
SARS did make its way to the west, and the US, though in far smaller numbers. Here’sa link to a spreadsheet breaking down all the afflicted countries. Keep in mind that these numbers are probably smaller than a true count, given how many unreported incidents there were. SARS, Crippling ...
What Rights Did a Serfdom Provide? Rights afforded to serfs were actually pretty varied, since there was a serf hierarchy. Some standings existed only in some countries but not others too. Regardless, unlike slaves, most serfs could not be traded or sold a la carte. Remember during the time...