我只需要添加一个分号来分隔SQL*Plus命令和SQL语句。感谢Justin Cave
编写SQL查询: 编写SQL查询语句,选择需要导出的数据。例如: sql SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table_name; 设置SPOOL命令: 在SQL*Plus或SQL Developer中,使用SPOOL命令指定导出文件的路径和名称,并设置列分隔符为逗号。例如: sql SET COLSEP ',' SPOOL 'C:\path\to\your\outputfile.csv' 执行查...
I want to output the results of the request into a csv file using the following code: spool c:test.csv select /*csv*/ username, user_id, created from all_users; spool off; But the first line of the results is written with the SQL query. select /*csv*/ username user_id created fr...
复制 setcolsep,;setfeedback off;setheading on;setnewp none;setpagesize10000;setlinesize1000;settrimout on;varstatdate varchar2;execute:statdate:=to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd');--导出问题清单一 spool c:/oracle/test1.csv;select*from tablea t where statdate=:statdate;spool off;--导出问题清...
我们经常会碰到数据导出的需求,例如将数据库中的数据导出成txt或者csv。从Oracle导出数据,其实有很多方法,例如通过PLSQL Developer图形化操作,但如果数据量大,就很可能卡;exp/expdp,两种工具算是比较常用的;还可以通过sqlldr,这是Oracle提供的工具,之前我们很多的备份脚本,就是通过sqlldr实现的,还是比较方便的;如果数据...
Spool educba.csv SELECT Coursename, Duration FROM Educba; Spool off To run the script, the user can inset @symbol provided by the name of the file. @file_name, the executed script should be in .csv file SQLplus Spool on/off Spool on and spool off can also be done in different methods...
2018-08-04 01:37 −需求: 1. 执行某 SQL 的结果; 2. 将结果导出到 csv文件; 3. 通过命令行执行; mysql -A db_name -h host_name -u user_na... 一菲聪天 0 11907 oracle spool 2015-09-02 14:07 −关于SPOOL(SPOOL是SQLPLUS的命令,不是SQL语法里面的东西。) 对于SPOOL数据的SQL,最好要自...
Adding computer accounts listed in CSV file to a Security Group Adding External DNS to Internal DNS and ADDS Adding gMSA to Log on as batch job Adding NT_AUTHORITY/INTERACTIVE access to users adding port in dns adding printers using logon scripts Additional Logon Information May Be Required...
Adding computer accounts listed in CSV file to a Security Group Adding External DNS to Internal DNS and ADDS Adding gMSA to Log on as batch job Adding NT_AUTHORITY/INTERACTIVE access to users adding port in dns adding printers using logon scripts Additional Logon Information May Be Required ...
关于Oracle导出到csv文件的脚本-spool方法 Oracle就是这么牛,从外部文件导入到Oracle中有N种方法,想把Oracle的数据导出成通用文件的方法却不多,梳理下来大致有三种办法: 1、spool方法 2、DBMS_SQL和UTL_FILE方法...3、python等程序方法本文主要是第一种方法,使用spool命令实行将sql*plus中的输出的结果复制到一个指...