SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development The smartform function module will return the parameter JOB_OUTPUT_INFO. This parameter will contain a component called SPOOLIDS which will have contain the spool ID. The above is based on the assumption that you are using the function module of your smartfo...
2012-09-28上传 ABAP 邮件发送 Jobs中Spool为附件ABAP 文档格式: .doc 文档大小: 70.5K 文档页数: 11页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: ABAP 系统标签: spoolabapjobcountstepcountjobnamejobs
With Release 4.0, you can automatically mail spool requests that are generated by a background job to a SAPoffice user. The following sample program shows how to generate the SWOTOBJID structure that JOB_CLOSE needs to identify the SAPoffice user. For more information, please see the ABAP doc...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI, when i checked in the SP01 transaction, it is found that the internal table data is there. Regards, Rahul R Reply Former Member In response to madhu_vadlamani 2011 Nov 10 8:37 AM 0 Kudos 358 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, ...
Belegung der Spool-Nummern in Prozent; Sie müssen alte Ausgabeaufträge löschen, bevor diese Zahl 100 Prozent erreicht Status (R3SpoolServerStatus) wird nur ausgegeben, falls der Spool-Service zu einem SAP-Anwendungsserver gehört WaitTime (R3SpoolWaitTime) Wartezeit im Spool-Service...
* After running the background jobs, send the spool to the SAP users Office Mail Box.REPORT ZMAILSPOOL. INCLUDE LBTCHDEF. * * Include the Business Object Repository object INCLUDE <CNTN01>. DATA ABAPNM LIKE SY-REPID. DATA BEGIN OF LOCAL_JOB. INCLUDE STRUCTURE TBTCJOB. DATA END OF...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Friends, We have a business requirement to reprint of the SAP documemt (delivery, packing list etc). We have a output procedure attached to each SAP document, during the document process, system triggers the output and issues a output for the physica...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi friends, is it possible to generate a spool request with out pop-up box.. example : ihave one program which generate a spool request to another program and this program generates a spool request to another program... advance thanks ... give answers ...
In SP01 select the spool and process that. Reply Former Member 2007 Jun 22 7:54 AM 0 Kudos 8,372 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Pavan, For all transaction code so thru the below link.. Regards.. Balaji ( reward ...
program to process a spool request the program must be executed in background otherwise no spool request will be created. Once you have had a look at this there is an modified version of the program which works in bothbackground and foreground. Also see transactionSCOTfor SAPConnect ...