Parameter Name Component Type Data Type(Length) Meaning TDCOVER SYPRSAP CHAR(1) Controls the setting of the combo box for the cover page: SPACE: no cover page is printed 'X': cover page is printed 'D': default (printer setting) TDRECEIVER SYPRREC CHAR(12) Text output on the cov...
If you have activated this monitoring for at least one output device, there are monitoring objects in the Devices subtree with the short name of the output device and the following MTEs: MTE Name (MTE Class)Meaning LPQ_Time (R3MASpoolDeviceLPQTime) Time that the output request spends in ...
kindly forgive me for bad English typing or meaning . Finally, hope this was helpful . appreciate for all your time administrator application basis beginners netweaver rspo1041 rz20 sa38 SAP SAP NetWeaver SAP NetWeaver Application Server sapadmin SNRO sp01 sp02 spo num ...
We have used serial numbers symbols on our labels with the following configuration to allow the label to print in sequential order based on the number of labels needed. Meaning if we have 10 labels to print, we use this serial number symbol to print 1 of 10, 2 of 10, 3 of 10, ...
The spool statistics are therefore useful for spool administrators who want to check what was output in each application server.The analysis view Spool Statistics may not be available for every configured application server in your SAP system.
Traffic Light Note text Meaning Not maintained The values are not maintained Maintained The values have already been maintained in this session, for the current action or the values for the spool parameters were taken from the user settings of from the user-specific print parameters. Maintain...
Parameter Name Component Type Data Type(Length) Meaning TDCOVER SYPRSAP CHAR(1) Controls the setting of the combo box for the cover page: SPACE: no cover page is printed 'X': cover page is printed 'D': default (printer setting) TDRECEIVER SYPRREC CHAR(12) Text output on the cover...
Parameter Name Component Type Data Type(Length) Meaning TDCOVER SYPRSAP CHAR(1) Controls the setting of the combo box for the cover page: SPACE: no cover page is printed 'X': cover page is printed 'D': default (printer setting) TDRECEIVER SYPRREC CHAR(12) Text output on the cover...
Meaning TDDEST RSPOPNAME CHAR(4) Short name of the output device ( TDDEST), short name of the device type ( TDPRINTER), and long name of a printer in the host system ( RQPOSNAME). For more information, see the documentation for the relevant data elements and the SAP Printing Gu...
The spool statistics are therefore useful for spool administrators who want to check what was output in each application server.The analysis view Spool Statistics may not be available for every configured application server in your SAP system.