Does your global talent strategy include employing migrant staff members in the UK? Employers outside the UK will need a sponsor licence to send foreign nationals, including from the EU, beginning early 2021.
If you already have a UK sponsor licence to employ foreign specialists, you will not have to pay additional fee to cover an additional category. For example, if your UK sponsor licence allows you to sponsor applicants forUK Skilled Worker visa, but you are going to sponsor those applying for...
Do you need a UK Resident to apply for a Sponsor Licence To be able to apply for a sponsor licence the UK based organisation in most cases needs to have started trading in the UK, with one or more people already resident in the UK to fill the three sponsor management roles. This is ...
UK Employers: Sponsor Licence Renewals to BeginTracy EvlogidisNicholas Hobson
首先,申请英国工作签证必须有招募海外员工资质的雇主(Licenced Sponsor)发出的工作录取,也就是说:任何一个英国企业,如果想要聘用海外员工来英国工作,为员工办理工签的话,必须先向移民局申请担保牌照(Sponsor Licence);拿到工作Offer后,雇主需要在移民局的担保人管理系统上申请核发CoS(担保证书);最后,申请人拿到CoS后,...