If you already have a UK sponsor licence to employ foreign specialists, you will not have to pay additional fee to cover an additional category. For example, if your UK sponsor licence allows you to sponsor applicants forUK Skilled Worker visa, but you are going to sponsor those applying for...
英国的雇主担保资质(Sponsor Licence)是英国企业合法雇佣海外员工的必要条件。如果企业希望申请Skilled Worker Visa(技术工人签证)或Global Business Mobility Visa(全球商业流动签证)等工作签证,就必须获得英国移民局(UKVI)批准的担保人资格。然而,在申请担保资质时,很多雇主因资料不全、合规要求不清楚或未能满足移民局审核...
If the application is for a UKExpansion Worker visasponsor licence to enable a business to establish itself in the UK, then the businessmust nothave already started trading. The person filling the sponsor management role of level 1 user, one of the three roles, in most cases needs to be ...
Scale Up Sponsor Licence FAQs What is the scale up sponsor licence? How do you become a scale-up sponsor? Does scale-up visa require sponsorship? How many years is scale-up visa UK? Do I need sponsorship certificate to switch to scale-up visa?
英国工作签证 | SKILLED WORKER VISA 要求: 您的工作要获得技术工人签证的资格 必须有赞助雇主给出的工作Offer,也就是申请人的雇主,必须是持有合格赞助资质(Sponsor Licence)。没有“赞助资质”的公司,想要聘用海外员工,为员工办理工签的话,必须先向移民局申请Sponsor Licence. ...
Check UK visa status of international visitors academics told. Universities run the risk of possibly losing their tier 2 sponsor licence.
The Skilled Worker visa allows individuals to apply initially in the UK for up to 5 years. Applicants can choose any duration for their visa up to this maximum, depending on the period in the certificate of sponsorship issued by the employer with a sponsor licence. While there is no statutor...
英国的雇主担保资质(Sponsor Licence)是英国企业合法雇佣海外员工的必要条件。如果企业希望申请Skilled Worker Visa(技术工人签证)或Global Business Mobility Visa(全球商业流动签证)等工作签证,就必须获得英国移民局(UKVI)批准的担保人资格。然而,在申请担保资质时,很多雇主因资料不全、合规要求不清楚或未能满足移民局审核...