BilibiliSponsorBlock也叫做B 站精准空降助手,是一款支持 Chrome、Edge、Firefox 的浏览器扩展,它通过社区提交的视频信息,来帮助用户自动跳过视频内的广告,包括恰饭、三连提醒、自我推广、片头片尾、致谢,甚至主播调试设备、无关内容等片段。@Appinn 来自发现频道,@esclm 同学推荐:
一部分是 Google 插入的广告,买会员可以让它们消失;还有一部分是视频作者们在节目里内嵌的赞助商广告,这是视频内容的一部分,传统的过滤广告方式不生效。 可以试试这个叫 SponsorBlock 的浏览器扩展,自动跳过 YouTube 视频里的赞助商广告,Chrome、Edge、Safari、Firefox、Opera 等主流浏览器都支持。 额外说两句: 视频...
一部分是 Google 插入的广告,买会员可以让它们消失;还有一部分是视频作者们在节目里内嵌的赞助商广告,这是视频内容的一部分,传统的过滤广告方式不生效。 可以试试这个叫 SponsorBlock 的浏览器扩展,自动跳过 YouTube 视频里的赞助商广告,Chrome、Edge、Safari、Firefox、Opera 等主流浏览器都支持。 额外说两句: 视频...
Available on Firefox as well, visit my site: SponsorBlock is an extension that will skip over sponsored segments of YouTube videos. SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced browser extension that let's anyone submit the start and end time's of sponsored segments of You...
SponsorBlock Download: Chrome/Chromium | Firefox | Android | Edge | Safari for MacOS and iOS | Website | Stats 3rd-Party Ports: MPV | Kodi | Chromecast | iOS SponsorBlock is an open-source crowdsourced browser extension to skip sponsor segments in YouTube videos. Users submit when a ...
本插件移植自油管插件SponsorBlock,保留了大部分的 UI 和使用方法,加入一些了 B 站特色的功能。 安装 目前上架了Chrome 应用商店,Edge 应用商店, 火狐应用商店。如果你知道更多流行的浏览器插件商店,欢迎留言~ 如果你无法打开上面的商店,可以尝试从这里下载crx文件安装:
Jeremy Lopez, Chief Operating Officer of Everdome, said: "As a frontrunner in the field of Web3 and Blockchain, Everdome understands what it takes to create cutting-edge technology and experiences that have a significant positive impact on the world around us. As a supporting sponsor of t...
and claims processing. NetTracer is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and is a key member of The Owens Group International. Areas of focus include: Cloud-Enabled Software, Customer Driven Technology, Automation, Blockchain, AI, Tracing and Management, Baggage ...
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