In one episode, at the end it can be seen a boy that looks like very similar to SpongeBob with yellow hair, a square-shaped head, blue eyes, two teeth, and also wearing a shirt with a red tie and brown short pants, with the exception that the shirt that used the boy is blue....
I made a playlist with ALL the production music in it SpongeBob Production Music A-ZYouTube Yeah I'm self promoting but this took me a very long time 🔒 The comments below are more than 90...
Old Head, Old Klopnodian Man, Old Lady, Old Man Employee, Old Man Greeter, Old Man Jenkins, Old Man with Beard, Oldie, Owl, PA System, Pa Narwhal, Pa Sponge, Pale Fish, Park Goer, Passenger, Passengers, Patchy-Santa, Patrick, Patrick's Conscience, Patty, Pearl, Pearl Puller, Pedestr...
The suit is white, and with a yellow patch with an acorn on it. It also has two red, and a blue ring(s) on each sleeve. The suit comes with a big glass dome (but it does not have an oxygen tank) with a pink flower. She also wears boots with two red dots on the side of ...
goodluckwithallthat,Patrick 然后 and,uh 等会见 IguessIllseeyoulater 开门 Openup 这里是警hearts;察hearts; Thisisthepolice 先等一下 Justasecond 你是海绵宝宝吗 AreyouSpongeBobSquarePants? 什么事 Y-y-yes? 把眼球安回去 Putthoseeyeballsbackinyourhead,son ...
And I took a head start like you did 我那次只是在跟你开个玩笑 I was just funnin' with ya that time 不过看来你们海底生物 But I guess all y'all underwater 就是用不着公平竞争 don't have to play fair 确实 呼吸空气的 I guess we don't, air breather 吸水的 Water sucker...
I'm so lucky got nothing to do我真幸运,无事可做 I could spend five minutes just being with you我可以花五分钟仅仅是与你在一起 Every flower every grain of sand每一朵花,每一粒沙 Is reaching out to shake my hand都伸出手来和我握手! It's the best day ever best day ever这是最好的一天!
I stick my head out the window And I look around Lava doesn't scare me it can't disguise This magic that's happening right before my eyes Whatever comes is just one thing to do To make the best day ever with all of you Today's the best day ever with all of you now ...
I stick my head out the window And I look around Lava doesn't scare me it can't disguise This magic that's happening right before my eyes Whatever comes is just one thing to do To make the best day ever with all of you Today's the best day ever with all of you now ...