Since "Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?", the titular character's name is translated as "ГубкаБобКвадратныеШтаны" instead of "СпанчБобСквэрПэнтс". Strangely, the instrumental shifts up in pitch each time the changed name is sung. ...
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run is a film based on Nickelodeon's hit TV show SpongeBob SquarePants. In this movie, SpongeBob and Patrick go on a rescue mission to save Gary, who's been snailnapped by King Poseidon and taken to the Lost City of Atl
The Races of the Alternate UUniverses are numerous, as there a load of them throughout it's history, many of which have gone extinct for one reason or another. They have been crafted by the AUU evolution masters by order of the Gods of the Alternate UUni
A Flurry Heart Attack is the 45th Episode of Season 3A of the SpongeBob and Friends Adventures Chronicles series. After stopping Glowrod, the Lodgers take the oppertunity to see Shining and Candence's new child, Flurry Heart. Though Celestia and Luna cla
This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "For Here or to Go" from season 8, which aired on April 12, 2012. [The exterior of The Krusty Krab is shown and a trumpet is heard. The interior is then shown. SpongeBob is shown on a barr
Rarity's Lawsuit Revenge is the 18th Episode of Season 3A of the SpongeBob and Friends Adventures Chronicles series. Suri Polomare has stolen from Rarity and has become undeservingly popular from Rarity's designs. Angry at her for what she did, Rarity ha
They were often those that looked to make a new life for themselves for whatever varied reasons. One such, was an early Outune, who took the pilgrimage to rest in a currently un-named planet purely to set up camp there. However, one small travel to collect firewood lead to Outune to ...
Evening Munificence- A humanitarian nonprofit movement and the Outer Force equivalent of the Manna Charitable Foundation. They share the same goal of using anomalies to provide relief effort and support to those who need it, especially those victimized by anomalies. It was founded by former MCF mem...