Since "Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?", the titular character's name is translated as "ГубкаБобКвадратныеШтаны" instead of "СпанчБобСквэрПэнтс". Strangely, the instrumental shifts up in pitch each time the changed name is sung. ...
Whatever Happened to SpongeBob? (WhoBob WhatPants): When SpongeBob tries to spend some quality time with his friends, he just ends up being a nuisance to everyone instead. They all tell him to go away, so with a heavy heart, SpongeBob decides to do just that-he packs up to leave Bikin...
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run is a film based on Nickelodeon's hit TV show SpongeBob SquarePants. In this movie, SpongeBob and Patrick go on a rescue mission to save Gary, who's been snailnapped by King Poseidon and taken to the Lost City of Atl
next,youregoingtoshowmewhathappenedtoSpongeBob 本来没这打算但你要看就看 Iwasnt,butifyouinsist 酷哥酷姐 Hey,cats 近来如何 Howsithanging? 感谢顺道过来懂不 Thanksforstoppingby,yadig? 海绵宝宝 SpongeBob 这里居然会有东西真的改善了 Icantbelievesomethingherehasactuallyimproved ...
SpongeBob SquarePants《海绵宝宝(1999)》第十四季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,准备好了吗 孩子们 Are you ready, kids? 好了船长 Aye aye, captain 我听不见 I cant hear you 好了船长 Aye aye, captain 是谁住在深海的大菠萝里 Who lives in a pineapple under the s
I always wondered what happened to you 都是好多年以前的事情了 It was all those years ago 我错过了珊瑚营回家的最后一趟大巴 I missed the last bus home from Kamp Koral 就在夏令营最后一天 on the last day of camp 从那以后 我就单独住在这里了 And I've been living here alone ever since 可好...
next, you're going to show me what happened to SpongeBob 本来没这打算 但你要看就看 I wasn't, but if you insist 酷哥酷姐 Hey, cats 近来如何 How's it hanging? 感谢顺道过来 懂不 Thanks for stopping by, ya dig? 海绵宝宝 SpongeBob ...
This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "For Here or to Go" from season 8, which aired on April 12, 2012. [The exterior of The Krusty Krab is shown and a trumpet is heard. The interior is then shown. SpongeBob is shown on a barr
The Races of the Alternate UUniverses are numerous, as there a load of them throughout it's history, many of which have gone extinct for one reason or another. They have been crafted by the AUU evolution masters by order of the Gods of the Alternate UUni