Intended to be the series finale of SpongeBob SquarePants (1999), the show was renewed for a fourth season due to the film's success and the show's popularity. Further episodes were told to take place before the events of this movie, but this was confirmed to be untrue by the show's ...
Sponge Buddies is a SpongeBob SquarePants VHS tape that was released on March 12, 2002 and contains two episodes from season 1, two episodes from season 2, and one episode from season 3. Director Stephen Hillenburg Writer Stephen Hillenburg(written by) ...
Spongebob Squarepants GIFs added byAdaLove Source: Squidward Tentacles added bykellyclarkson12 Nickelodeon's Spongebob Squarepants Bikini Bottom Bash VHS added bygertchenhazard Source: 3434x2499 Spongebob with a Krabby Patty ...
The Humpback Hop (found full version of "SpongeBob SquarePants" production music; 2002) SpongeBob's Nicktoon Summer Splash (partially lost bumpers from Nickelodeon channel block; 2000-2001) SpongeBob: Re-Hydrated (partially lost "SpongeBob SquarePants" animated short; 2003) ...
HalloweenVHS tape. Reception Tony Hawkrated this episode as his favoriteSpongeBob SquarePantsepisode inThe Ultimate SpongeBob SpongeBashmarathon's Celebrity Favorites. This episode is number 8 onThe Tom Kenny CollectiononiTunesand His description says: ...