Elf SpongeBob SquarePants - "Mid-Life Crustacean", "Holiday Party", "The 12 Days of Nickmas", Merry Nickmas Specials, Christmas with Krabby Klaws, and Best Christmas Stories Ever!. Krabby Patty burglar - "Krabby Land" The Bird Man of Bikini Bottom - "The Sponge Who Could Fly" Sir SpongeB...
SpongeBob SquarePants premiered in May 1999 on Nickelodeon. The animated comedy, currently airing its 14th season and renewed for another, has aired nearly 300 half-hour episodes.
烹饪创意:他制作了 Krabby Patty 的变种,甚至是令人作呕的:“The Nasty Patty”、“Secret Patty”、“The Nature Patty”、“Double Krabby Patty With Everything”、“Crying Johnny”、“Double Triple Bossy Deluxe帕蒂,“蟹肉饼披萨”,“蟹肉饼配水母果冻”...仅举几例。 驾驶(除了机动船之外的任何东西):他...
Home 1236 of 1972 SpongeBob SquarePants (1999) Sirena Irwin, Sara Paxton, and Camryn Walling in SpongeBob SquarePants (1999) PeopleSirena Irwin, Sara Paxton, Camryn Walling TitlesSpongeBob SquarePants, Krabby Land/The Camping EpisodeBack to top...
• Birth of the Krabby Patty - Nicolas Carr ["This is the real deal."] ‣ Showdown - Gregor F. Narholz [bubble pops] ‣ The Chase - Gregor F. Narholz [guards summoned] ‣ Showdown - Gregor F. Narholz [battle continues] • Closing Door Sting - Nicolas Carr [tank] • Pat...
英文名字: SpongeBob SquarePants 级别: a级别 类型: 动画 浏览量: 收藏量: 时间: 94天前 状态: 第12季完结 首播: 1999-07-17 周六 简介: 《穿方形裤子的海绵鲍勃》(SpongeBob SquarePants)是美国电视节目历史上最受孩子们喜爱的动画系列片之一。该片曾获得全美儿童电视动画片收视冠军,每个月都有将近6000万观...
foravintageoriginalKrabbyPatty 能现在直接收钱吗还是要再等等 CanIchargeforthisnowordoIhavetowait? 本次重要典礼到此结束 Andthatconcludesthismomentousoccasion 感谢大家来 Thankyouallsomuchfor-- 别急着走啊 Notsofast 你们这群白hearts;痴hearts; Youfools ...
SpongeBob SquarePants《海绵宝宝(1999)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 准备好了吗孩子们 Areyouready,kids? 好了船长 Ayeaye,captain 我听不见 Ican'thearyou 好了船长 Ayeaye,captain 是谁住在深海的大菠萝里 Wholivesinapineappleunderthesea?
Deep down in the Pacific Ocean, in the city of Bikini Bottom, is a lovable, optimistic and well-meaning sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants! He lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, and works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, making everyone s favorite Krabby Patty burgers....
SpongeBob SquarePants 准备 Ready 海绵宝宝 SpongeBob SquarePants 海绵宝宝 睡觉时间 该睡觉了 小蜗 Time for bed, Gary 小蜗 Gary 俗话说得好 You know what they say 好奇心害死蜗牛 Curiosity salted the snail 看好你四处游荡的眼睛 你这小蜗牛 Mind your wandering eye, you little mollusk 祝你做个好梦 ...