The episode begins atJellyfish Fields, SpongeBob then takes a moment to realize how lucky he and Patrick are to be among the jellyfish. They take the time to pay tribute and sing "The Jellyfishing Song." Patrick then notices a large billboard and points it out to SpongeBob. They read t...
Jellyfish are also somewhat similar to certain real-world beast of burden in that the extraction of jelly from them resembles milking, with the jelly being consumed on bread similarly to jelly produced from fruit. Jellyfishing is popular enough that in addition to merchandise such as jellyfish ...
001 Help Wanted / Reef Blower / Tea at the Treedome May-1-1999 Sat 9:30p 002 Bubblestand / Ripped Pants Jul-17-1999 Sat 10:00a 003 Jellyfishing / Plankton! Jul-31-1999 Sat 10:00a 004 Naughty Nautical Neighbors / Boating School Aug-7-1999 Sat 10:00a 005 Pizza Delivery / Home ...
本资源是“海绵宝宝”英文原版,共有6季,全242集,是现在网上的最全版本,mkv格式702x576分辨率,纯英语发音,无字幕,适合4-8岁的低幼宝宝观看。 内容简介: 动画场景设定于太平洋海底,一座称为比奇堡的城市,故事围绕主角海绵宝宝和他的好朋友们展开。由于剧情幽默、寓教于乐且充满想象力,受到许多儿童及成年观众喜爱,...
3 "Jellyfishing" 抓水母/钓水母 "Plankton!" 奸诈的皮老板/痞老板 4 "Naughty Nautical ...
3 "Jellyfishing" 抓水母/钓水母 "Plankton!" 奸诈的皮老板/痞老板 4 "Naughty Nautical ...
What in the world was I doing 圣诞节完全覆没 Now Christmas is ruined 我在圣诞多忧苦 I got the Christmas blues 感觉自己格格不入 I feel like I just don't belong 多希望能够唱出幸福 Wish that I could sing a happy song 只好在这坐立不安 ...
Skatingroundandjellyfishing 但全都比不上我们疯狂大家庭 Butnothingbeatsournuttyfamily 送礼表示我爱着你 GivinggiftsmeansIloveyou 但是不如来度过好时光 Butnotlikespendingtimesohappily 圣诞佳节 AtChristmastime 一切都很好 Everythingsfine 因为需要的东西样样全都有 Causewegoteverythingwelleverneed 样样全都有 We...
[23] Their usual activities include jellyfishing, bubble blowing, and various others. The two's antics are of constant annoyance to their next-door neighbor, Squidward, and he has been repeatedly put into harm's way as a result of their actions. This is shown when SpongeBob innocently sends...
Eban Immanuel Schletter (born March 16, 1975; age 49) is a composer/songwriter for SpongeBob SquarePants. He is responsible for creating most of the musical numbers for certain episodes, especially the specials, including "The Sponge Who Could Fly," "Pes