Watchlist Where to Watch The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini...
SpongeBob SquarePants is a beloved cartoon show that has stood the test of time. The show's humor, characters, and animation continue to captivate audiences young and old. If you're a fan of the show or just looking for a good laugh, the SpongeBob SquarePants Laugh Pack is a must-watch...
SpongeBob SquarePants, often shortened to SpongeBob, is an American animated television series created by former marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg for Nickelodeon. It is chronologically the tenth Nicktoon to debut. The series is produced b
The season 3 episode, "Mid-Life Crustacean," first aired on Nickelodeon in 2003 and features Mr. Krabs in a mid-life crisis. SpongeBob and Patrick help out by showing Mr. Krabs a good time. A representative from Nickelodeon said, "'Mid-Life Crustacean' has been out of rotation since 201...
please watch my shows please. - Then bends Spin-Off Kings is looking for users to participate in its fourth season! If you're interested, go to the page and leave a comment! Post your ideas for The SpongeBob and Garfield Show! Check out The Everything Movie, a community page that anyon...
On Tuesday (Nov. 27), Hillenburg died after a battle with ALS. He was 57. A marine biologist who went back to school to study experimental animation, Hillenburg debuted the weird, wonderful aquatic cartoon showSpongeBob Squarepantsfor Nickelodeon in 1999. ...
Watch this preview ofThe SpongeBob Moviepreview that will “premiere” during the Super Bowl this Sunday. (I don’t know why so many Super Bowl ads play before the Super Bowl now, but I’m glad; it makes my life a lot easier): ...
On March 9th, 2001, the Season 2 episode "Shanghaied" premiered. The episode is about an anchor crashing into SpongeBob and Squidward's house, which SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward climb up and end up on the Flying Dutchman's ship. The Flying D...
Watchlist Where to Watch The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini...
Watchlist Where to Watch The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and often nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his underwater friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini...