The Last Hurrah of Garble is the 48th Episode of Season 3A of the SpongeBob and Friends Adventures Chronicles series. Ever since the events of Gauntlet of Fire, Nefarious was shocked to only see that Garble returned. Garble explains that Spear, Clump, Fizzle, Baff, and Vex have turned ...
A Flurry Heart Attack is the 45th Episode of Season 3A of the SpongeBob and Friends Adventures Chronicles series. After stopping Glowrod, the Lodgers take the oppertunity to see Shining and Candence's new child, Flurry Heart. Though Celestia and Luna claim that they themselves had no knowledg...
Image # Episode Role in episode Season 1 1 "The Jellyfish Kid" (tr • ga) Major; he helps SpongeBob catch his first jellyfish. 2a "Sugar Squeeze" (tr • ga) Major; he becomes hyperactive due to Sugar Squeeze. 2b "Tag, You're It" (tr • ga) Major; he plays tag...
Rarity's Lawsuit Revenge is the 18th Episode of Season 3A of the SpongeBob and Friends Adventures Chronicles series. Suri Polomare has stolen from Rarity and has become undeservingly popular from Rarity's designs. Angry at her for what she did, Rarity ha