0 hokeybutt Sep 5, 2005 Permalink 2/10 Weak SpongeBob Squarepants The Movie(2004) I like the cartoon. When I heard about a movie being made, I thought that should be great. What went wrong? This is not what I expected at all. This is a extremely boring flick. I kept on waiting fo...
Imgonnabefeelingthistomorrow 你真是太出彩了海绵宝宝 IgottasayImimpressedwithyou,Spongebob 冬眠预备周有你在就是好得不得了 Youremakingthisthebestpre-hibernationweekever 趁小蜗还没咬烂沙发我先回家了 Well,Idbettergethome beforeGarychewsupthesofaagain 晚安小蜗 Goodnight,Gary 一大早游泳清醒一下就是好 Noth...
Plankton’s cousins look pretty mean, but you can always barrel right through them. What’s your process for capturing the spirit of SpongeBob? Each recording for each iteration ofSpongeBobhas its own method, its own biology. We can’t sound sleepy. I’ve gotta have all the energy SpongeBob...
Clump: "Ok! I'm getting the feeling that you aren't being honest with us here?! Did you used to be with a pony until something bad happened that drove you to return to your wild roots or what!?" Garble: "Nn-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no!? Alchourse not?!" Spear: "... Typica...
I can hardly twiddle my thumbs That disgrace had caught my eye When will darn Tom Kenny die? I will never ever be Shanghai'd I'll shelter in my room and tan my hide, 'cause of... SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! I'm feeling down and out of luck ...
Dark Dragon: (In his own ship) I swear, the other villain teams are going to be the death of us. Someday, we're going to end up destroying each other. Well, if you want something evil done right, you gotta do it your evil self. (Comes down from the ship and fights in the Sco...
都跟你说了海绵宝宝 Itoldyou,Spongebob 我下周冬眠 I'mhibernatingnextweek 冬眠 Hibernating? 什么意思 What'sthat? 我一整个冬天都要睡觉 It'swhenIgotosleepforthewholewinter 我也会那样吗 CanIdothat? 不会傻瓜 No,silly 哺乳动物才会冬眠 It'samammalianthing 珊迪你可能没注意到 Sandy,youmaynothavenoticed...
I dont have a drivers license 裤头村驾照 海绵宝宝 我的驾照 My drivers license 真不敢相信 I cant believe it 我照片拍得可真好看 I sure take a good picture 道路尽头 真是的 Darn 我本来该要留胡子的 I should have grown a mustache 我怎么能忘掉最重要的驾驶规定 How could I have forgotten the...
你这什么意思 Whatisthemeaningofthis? 你发什么神经 Haveyougoneoffthedeepend? 这里得做出一点改变 There'sgoingtobeafewchangesaroundhere 只要每次逮到你们两个在偷懒 EverytimeIcatchyoutwogoofingoff 我就要罚你们钱 I'mgoingtochargeyoufo
Paley:I had this lyric in my head: “Mr. Sun came up and he smiled at me/ said it’s gonna be a good one, just wait and see.” Then Tom gave me the line, “Feeling so ecstatic, stratified.” I just thought that was so brilliant. We were thinking about the Beach Boys, The ...