One-Scene Wonder: The "DEEEUUAGH" fish, who shows up for about five seconds in "Something Smells", has spawned a meme. Probably one of the only shows to feature this for a location; Rock Bottom has only been visited in one episode from 2000, but a level based on it appears in al...
“Taylor Swift’s Boyfriend,” crowd-shots of Bikini Bottom superstars likeClamuel L. Jackson and Doja Catfish, and theceremonial slimingof the end zone after each touchdown (that would be three slimings in five quarters). Sadly, the entire broadcast isn’t available to watch online, but ...
FishWatch Information and pictures about individual fish species No Yes Yes HTTP Cat Cat for every HTTP Status No Yes Yes HTTP Dog Dogs for every HTTP response status code No Yes Yes IUCN IUCN Red List of Threatened Species apiKey No No MeowFacts Get random cat facts No Yes No Movebank ...