海绵宝宝转场a few minutes later 脉脉不得语- 1年前 星球大战: 原力唤醒雷伊的服装设计专长[蓝光/数字化视频光盘2016](Star Wars: The Force Awakens Reys Costume Design Featurette [Blu-Ray/DVD 2016]) 流氓一号: 设计U翼专长的星球大战故事[蓝光/数字化视频光盘2017](Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Design...
In a Season 2 Kevin Kimmel crank call, when Kevin is doing his homework, he said "SpongeBob's coming up in 6 minutes" and later he said "Three minutes until SpongeBob! Hurry!" In another Kevin Kimmel call, Kevin has a poster that says Contraceptive SpongeBart and it has a picture of...
One week later, the Bikini Bottom is ruined with burning pipe houses. "Super Stars": Despite the Patrick family become SuperStars, their deeds around their city have made Bikini Bottom into flames. The city was later seen in the end that it became dust. Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy ...
6 minutes later... Spud: (The dragons were actually crying) ???: Time to sing the 'I Love You' song! Spud: (Dubbed as Nostalgia Critic) NooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NO, NO, NO, NO, DO SOMETHING ELSE!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT WRETCHED UNHOLY SONG!!! Spike:... I don'...
He and Patrick also love to play with him, but always end up making "every 11 minutes of his life" (which is how long an episode segment is) filled with misery due to them unknowingly annoying him. Eugene Krabs - Mr. Krabs is SpongeBob's boss and fatherly figure, carrying with him ...
“Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are…”–Patrick Star “Gary, I’m absorbing his blows like I’m made of some sort of spongy material.”–Spongebob “I’ll have you know that I stubbed by toe last week and only cried for 20 minutes.”–Spongebob ...
But I'll be there in a few minutes to check up on you. Twilight: Alright, if that's what you want. (Spike leaves) Suri:... Do other magic-studying ponies have dragon assistants? Twilight: Not necessarily. Dragons are a pretty risky choice when it comes to assistants. Suri: Well.....
He has five minutes to write the essay which he does, describing all the things he saw in his crazy dream. I'm with Stupid: When Patrick's parents come over for Starfish Day, Patrick gets upset that they still think he isn't very smart. SpongeBob offers to act stupid next to Patrick...
Not only that but this is also a genuinely great tribute to the creator of SpongeBob, Stephen Hillenburg who, as you all know, passed away a few years ago; and I think he would be very proud of this great and really creative movie. I will also happily take this over Nickelodeon's ...
There's never really been an episode like this one, where the entire 11 minutes are a video new employees must watch. It's a clever departure from the rest of the series' usual scenarios and formats. Oh, and the Krusty Krab's training motto is POOP. ...