海绵宝宝转场a few minutes later 脉脉不得语- 1年前 星球大战: 原力唤醒雷伊的服装设计专长[蓝光/数字化视频光盘2016](Star Wars: The Force Awakens Reys Costume Design Featurette [Blu-Ray/DVD 2016]) 流氓一号: 设计U翼专长的星球大战故事[蓝光/数字化视频光盘2017](Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Design...
In part one of the first-season finale, Master Pakku coyly stated to one of his students, "Nice work... a couple more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge." The show's creators later said in the audio commentary of Siege of the North, Part 1 that his statement was...
“SpongeBob: We’re not doing so well, Patrick. We need a new approach, a new tactic. Patrick: Umm, I got it. Let’s get naked!”–Spongebob & Patrick “Spongebob: Patrick, you’re a genius! Patrick: Yeah, I get called that a lot. Spongebob: What? A genius? Patrick: No, Patri...
But I'll be there in a few minutes to check up on you. Twilight: Alright, if that's what you want. (Spike leaves) Suri:... Do other magic-studying ponies have dragon assistants? Twilight: Not necessarily. Dragons are a pretty risky choice when it comes to assistants. Suri: Well.....
Then he dropped a cartoon drawing of SpongeBob into the tank and said, "This is the star of your new show." The show debuted two years later. BiographyAccording to his driver's license in "Sleepy Time", SpongeBob was born on July 14, 1986, which would make him just thirteen years ...
Seconds later, a giant Potty's foot crashes through Patchy's house and crushes him, implying Norblock Five had possibly once again used his Shrinkatron to make Potty huge. Patchy, crushed by the foot, reminds the audience to come back real soon for more new segments featuring him as well...
6 minutes later... Spud: (The dragons were actually crying) ???: Time to sing the 'I Love You' song! Spud: (Dubbed as Nostalgia Critic) NooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NO, NO, NO, NO, DO SOMETHING ELSE!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT WRETCHED UNHOLY SONG!!! Spike:... I don'...
What's not to love about a parody of Aquaman, Batman, and Robin all rolled into a pair of old guys stuck in a retirement home? The later installments give the two more to do, and allow more room for the series to explore their gadgets and enemies, but their debut is quite memorable...
Continuity mistake:WhenThe Stranglerand Spongebob arrive at the pineapple, look at the door: there is no doormat below it, but a couple minutes later Spongebob pulls a key out from under the doormat that was not there before. logan crews ...
He has five minutes to write the essay which he does, describing all the things he saw in his crazy dream. I'm with Stupid: When Patrick's parents come over for Starfish Day, Patrick gets upset that they still think he isn't very smart. SpongeBob offers to act stupid next to Patrick...