Devastating floods are becoming more and more common around the world. The warming climate is leading to heavier rainfall, but could the way that cities are growing be making things worse? Could we design cities in a different way to reduce the risk of flooding?As cities expand, and more an...
1.48万 英语播客WOW IN THE WORLD 1807 WOW 721 Wow!Bronze 换一批 相关推荐 爱相声的citycity英文儿歌city 少儿英语city的英文儿歌小学英语city儿歌少儿英语citytpo听力spongesponge少儿英语City英语儿歌sponge幼儿英语 003-The City 晚晚晴天3432 04 City Street 蝈蝈家77750.07万 第2228期:How sponge cities could pr...
Devastating floods are becoming more and more common around the world. The warming climate is leading to heavier rainfall, but could the way that cities are growing be making things worse? Could we design cities in a different way to reduce the risk of flooding? 毁灭性的洪水在世界各地变得越来...
In our new explainer episode, we show how ‘sponging’ cities can help them overcome the challenge of flooding while strengthening the local ecology, and boosting the economic and social well-being of residents. In this episode, you will learn: 1. What a sponge city is (and how it works)...
being self-sustainable, and solve the problem of floods.” Dr Yu Kongjian Opposite: Dr. Yu in his studio. Above: Dr. Yu is also interested in applying the principles of sponge cities at the granular level of the individual home. He collects storm water at his roof garden and uses it ...
China's national Sponge City Program promotes the integration of green–grey–blue infrastructure for sustainable urban-water governance. However, recent record-breaking flood events have called the efficacy of the programme into question, illustrating the need for a holistic social–natural–engineering ...
Instead of seeping into the ground as it would in a forest or grassland, all the water has nowhere to go. After a large storm that disrupts a city’s drainage system, the precipitation ends up floating, often causing destructive flooding. But what if we could build stunning cities that ...
“Sponge City Concepts Could Be The Answer to China’s Impending Water Crisis” on Sponge Cities: What is it all about? on the World Future Council website Study: “Sponge City” in China-A breakthrough of planning and flood risk management in the urban context on the Science ...
Now, he would like to see the sponge city concept implemented across regions, nations, and the world—with urgency. He feels keeping water in place is important to cool our cities and even stop sea level rise. Zhongshan Qijiang Park replaced an old shipyard, and some of the buildings were...
into the soil before it can flow into urban streets, therefore providing a water-resilient threshold. In the past two decades, the model has gained huge support in his home country of China, and today Yu and his team have completed some 500 sponge city projects in cities around the world....