Facet joint problems can lead to spondylolisthesis in the lower back, in which a vertebra slides forward over the one beneath. 关节突关节的病变会导致腰椎滑脱,即一个椎体在另一个椎体上面向前滑移。 This slippage can result in nerve root compression of the sciatic nerve, and pain down the back a...
Symptoms of spondylosis include localized pain in the area of spondylosis, usually in the back or neck. Spondylosis in the cervical spine (neck) can cause headaches. However, it is controversial whether mild spondylosis, such as small bone spurs and bulging discs that do not compress nerves, ca...
low-backpainsciaticacervical spondylosislumbar spondylosisSpondylosis is the progressive, age-related degenerative changes of the spine. The mid-cervical and lower-lumbar regions are particularly affected because of the distribution of mechanical stresses due to spinal motion and loading of the spinal ...
Define spondylosis. spondylosis synonyms, spondylosis pronunciation, spondylosis translation, English dictionary definition of spondylosis. n. Degeneration of the spinal column, especially that resulting in abnormal fusion and immobilization of the verte
Incidence and risk factors for radiographic lumbar spondylosis and lower back pain in Japanese men and women: the ROAD study. To determine the incidence of radiographic lumbar spondylosis (LS)and lower back pain, and their risk factors in Japan using a large-scale population from ... S Muraki...
The surgeon can approach thecervical spinefrom the front (anterior) or the back (posterior). Approaching from the front might be used to remove the disks and spurs that are causing pressure. The disk may be replaced with an implant. A more extensive surgery calls for the removal of both di...
These examples are only a few of the many possible contributors to a patient's pain. SeeWhen Back Pain May Be a Medical Emergency advertisement After arriving at a confirmedclinical diagnosis for the cause of a patient's pain(rather than just the finding that there is spondylosis, which may...
51 Although spondylosis appears most obviously in the cervical spine because of its mobility, it may occur in other areas of the spine, especially the lower lumbar spine. The condition begins with intervertebral disc degeneration, which can occur as a result of damage to the disc or poor ...
腰椎病的症状可包括哪些?(Which is the symptom of lumbar spondylosis?)A.腰痛、鞍区麻木 ( Low back pain
Orthopaedic Treatment on an Isolated Island : Present Condition and Characteristics of Orthopaedic Problems Seen at Ibuki Clinic Among 7 patients with lower back pain, including duplications, there were 5 cases of osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture, 4 cases of spondylosis of ... S Toki,K In...