Hub and Spoke组网是基本BGP/MPLS IP VPN的一种,它通过在VPN中设置中心站点,要求其它站点的互访都通过中心站点进行,以实现对站点间通讯的集中控制。 前置任务 在配置Hub and Spoke之前,需完成如下任务: 对MPLS骨干网(PE、P)配置IGP,实现骨干网的IP连通性 骨干网上使用RIP-1路由协议时,需要使能LDP按照最长匹配...
执行命令vpn-target vpn-target2 &<1-8> export-extcommunity,为VPN-out实例IPv4地址族配置VPN-target扩展团体属性,发布Hub站点及所有Spoke站点的路由。 这里的vpn-target2列表包括所有Spoke-PE的vpn-target入方向团体属性值。 配置Spoke-PE上的VPN实例 每个Spoke-PE上配置一个VPN实例。 执行命令system-view,进入...
Hub-CE上配置IPv6缺省路由,下一跳为Hub-PE上绑定vpn_in的接口IPv6地址。 Hub-PE上为vpn_out配置缺省路由,下一跳为Hub-CE。 Hub-PE上vpn_out对应的BGP vpn-instance地址族视图下使用命令network :: 0发布缺省路由给所有Spoke站点。 Spoke-PE与Spoke-CE之间配置EBGP4+。
如果希望在VPN中设置中心访问控制设备,其它用户的互访都通过中心访问控制设备进行,可以使用Hub and Spoke组网方案。其中,中心访问控制设备所在站点称为Hub站点,其他用户站点称为Spoke站点。Hub站点侧接入VPN骨干网的设备叫Hub-CE;Spoke站点侧接入VPN骨干网的设备叫Spoke-CE。VPN骨干网侧接入Hub站点的设备叫Hub-PE,...
Figure 1: An example of a hub-and-spoke network topology. As shown in the diagram, Azure supports two types of hub-and-spoke design. The first type supports communication, shared resources, and centralized security policy. This type is labeled asVNet hubin the diagram. The secon...
The hub location problem (HLP) is concerned with satisfying the demands of a number of origin-destination (O-D) nodes through several hub nodes. Hubs are sorting, transshipment and consolidation points in many-to-many transportation/distribution networks. In a hub network, incoming flows into ...
# 配置Hub-CE。 [Hub-CE]interface loopback 1[Hub-CE-Loopback1]ip address 32[Hub-CE-Loopback1]quit[Hub-CE]bgp 65430[Hub-CE-bgp]peer as-number 100[Hub-CE-bgp]peer as-number 100[Hub-CE-bgp]network 32[Hub-CE-bgp]quit ...
The hub and spoke network is a vitally important concept for transport systems. The hub network handles flows between a set of origins and destinations. The hubs are linked together and allow pathways between spoke cities through the hub subnetwork....
轴辐式网路(hub-and-spoke network)具有集货之功能,可降低航空公司的单位运输成本,因此经常被业者采用。一般而言,轴…|基于23个网页 2. 轴辐网路 轴辐网路(Hub-and-Spoke Network)能有效地提高经济效率,因此被广泛地应用於货运业、网路配线等产业中,但由於问题结构 …
Figure 1: An example of a hub-and-spoke network topology.As shown in the diagram, Azure supports two types of hub-and-spoke design. The first type supports communication, shared resources, and centralized security policy. This type is labeled as VNet hub in the d...