Sarah Jessica Parker starred in various roles in her 20s before her breakout role as Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City," a character she recently reprised for "And Just Like That…," the 2021 Max reboot of the iconic series. Parker is also known for starring and executive producing th...
It is against the law to swim in the Spokane River between the Division Street Bridge and the Monroe Street Bridge.The water is too dangerous, and the rocks are too slippery. It doesn’t matter if the water is low and you have safety devices. You can still get a ticket. Spokane has ...
Remember When the Hanford WA Site Was a Field of Dreams? One Man Dead in Kennewick Shooting-Police Need Your Help To Find Suspect One Man Dead in Kennewick Shooting-Police Need Your Help To Find Suspect Reckless Gunman on the Loose After Shooting Up I-182 Reckless Gunman on the Loose After...