The SpO2 measurement range of your device is 70% to 100%. Generally speaking, the lower your SpO2, the higher the risk. If your SpO2 is below 90%, you may be at the risk of developing hypoxemia. The following user groups should pay extra attention to their SpO2 levels *People who snor...
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SpO2: Understanding Your Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels Oxygen is the lifeblood of our bodies, essential for every cell to function properly. The amount of oxygen carried in our blood is measured by blood oxygen saturation, also known as Spo2. Spo2 is a crucial indicator of overall health and ...
Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is the fraction of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin relative to total hemoglobin in the blood. The human body requires and regulates a very precise and specific balance of oxygen in the blood. Normal arterial blood oxygen saturation (SaO2) levels in humans are 95–100%. If...
Pulse oximetry utilizes a pulse oximeter device to gauge the oxygen saturation in your red blood cells. The device will indicate your blood oxygen levels as a percentage. Individuals with lung conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, or pneumonia, as well as those who...
在动脉血中,HbO2占所有血红蛋白的百分比被称为血氧饱和度(Oxygen Saturation,SaO2)。很多因素都可能导致氧合血红蛋白比例的降低,比如肺部病变,心输出量减少等。血氧饱和度的高低可以用来反映身体的氧气供应情况。脉搏血氧饱和度SPO2要得到准确的SaO2值,需要抽取动脉血进行血气分析。这是...
Even when COVID-19 is no longer an urgent concern, most people can benefit from regularly monitoring their blood oxygen levels in daily life, especially the following demographic groups: • Immuno-compromised individuals with an underlying condition (heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes...
The Blood Oxygen app on your Apple Watch will occasionally measure your blood oxygen levels if background measurements are on. This will usually happen when you are not moving. Depending on how active you are, the number of readings collected each day and the time between these readings will ...
Even when COVID-19 is no longer an urgent concern, most people can benefit from regularly monitoring their blood oxygen levels in daily life, especially the following demographic groups: • Immuno-compromised individuals with an underlying condition (heart disease, high blood pressure, diabe...
“Our data shows that smartphones could work well right in the critical threshold range,” notes co-lead author Jason Hoffman. One of the biggest advantages of using smartphones for measuring blood oxygen saturation levels is that they are accessible. Plus, the method doesn’t rely on a fanc...