您可以藉由使用 SNC (安全網路通訊) 來設定 SAP 系統,讓 Active Directory 與 SAP 單一登入整合。 SNC 的主要目的是保護 NetWeaver ABAP 應用程式伺服器與外部應用程式 (包括 SAP GUI) 之間的連線。 SNC 提供外部安全性產品的介面,可用來啟用單一登入。
您可以藉由使用 SNC (安全網路通訊) 來設定 SAP 系統,讓 Active Directory 與 SAP 單一登入整合。 SNC 的主要目的是保護 NetWeaver ABAP 應用程式伺服器與外部應用程式 (包括 SAP GUI) 之間的連線。 SNC 提供外部安全性產品的介面,可用來啟用單一登入。
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Enterprise Portal Hi, I want to configure SPNego in Windows 2003 and Portal EP7 SP18 environment with SUN JDK1.4.2_13 64bit. Whenever i start the diagtool (sap note 958107) i get the following error message at the beginning but the diagtools executes the tests an...
SAP Single Sign-On supports several different scenarios, with different infrastructure requirements. If you plan to use Kerberos / SPNEGO to authenticate to the SAP systems, then you do not need any additional server. The user authentication is handled by AD and the SAP systems accept the Kerbero...
For all the screenshots and description I have used the same setup as in Part 1: my user is yange1 and the server is installed on the server vmw2053.wdf.sap.corp. The server side First let me show you what the SPNego Wizard has done. Start the Visual Administrator and take a look ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Single Sign-On Hi, We're currently in the process of enabling SSO using SPNego on our 7.02 SP07 Portal. We are using the new SPNego wizard that commes with the SP06. Let's say our portal has of the following address: DEVPORTAL.SYSTEMS.GROUP.CORP The Portal ha...
servicePrincipalName: HTTP/vmw2153 Now, if not already done connect the J2EE to the ABAP System: In the next screen I also used the user j2ee-hbr to connect the J2EE to the ABAP system (for this I had to created this user in the ABAP system as well). You could also use a service...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Enterprise Portal Hi all, i am trying to implement SPNego on my server, the steps i have done are 1)Deployed EARs �� sap.comtcsecauthjmx~ear.ear �� sap.comtcsecauthspnego~wizard.ear �� security_example.ear 2)Cre...
153 SAP Managed Tags: Security Hi gurus We have defined the Global Catalog of an AD as the user datasource of our SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.01 SP4 and it works fine: the users from all the different domains in the forest are available in the portal. ...
Solved: Hi All, we have configured SPENGO wizard. we have followed the steps provided in the SAP note #1457499 and deployed the files in the SPNego_AddOn_700.zip and