spnegoAuthenticationErrorPageURL string SPNEGO が HTTP 応答に組み込んだコンテンツが含まれたリソースの URL を指定します。 HTTP 応答は、ブラウザー・クライアント・アプリケーションによって表示されます。 spnegoNotSupportedErrorPageURL string SPNEGO 認証がサポートされていない場合に...
spnegoAuthenticationErrorPageURL string 指定其中包含 SPNEGO 包括在 HTTP 响应中的内容的资源的 URL。HTTP 响应由浏览器客户机应用程序显示。 spnegoNotSupportedErrorPageURL string 指定资源的 URL,此资源包含 SPNEGO 在 HTTP 响应中包含的内容,浏览器客户端应用程序不支持 SPNEGO 认证时会显示此 HTTP 响应。
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException { ...省略其他代码 // 传递过来的用户名 String username = authentication.getName(); // 调用UserDetailsService的方法,通过用户名查询出用户对象UserDetail(查询不出来UserDetailService则会抛出异常) UserDetails userDetails =...
SPNEGO(Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism)和CAS(Central Authentication Service)是两种常用的身份验证协议,用于获取LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)用户属性。下面是关于如何使用SPNEGO和CAS获取LDAP用户属性的详细解答: SPNEGO(Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism): 概念:SPNEGO是...
HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required Proxy-Authenticate: Negotiate the client will need to send a header like Copy Proxy-Authorization: Negotiate YY... to authenticate itself to the proxy server. This feature supports both types of authentication. How...
SPNEGO authentication with Struts based web presentationIssue Struts web application with SPNEGO authentication does not work and presents fallback FORM based authentication JBoss is not sending Negotiate HTTP header to begin SPNEGO authentication with Struts based form-login-pageResolution...
SPNEGO authentication e.g. on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) Issue issues using SPNEGO with Google Chrome on EAP Google Chrome support of SPNEGO, or Kerberos, authentication Resolution Except on Windows, Google Chrome supports SPNEGO authentication (Negotiate authentication) ony for servers ...
authenticationHandlers属性中 先 只留一种处理方式 2.3.3 这是deployerConfigContext.xml的一段配置,拿出来做参考 <bean name="jcifsConfig" class="org.jasig.cas.support.spnego.authentication.handler.support.JCIFSConfig"> <property name="jcifsServicePrincipal" value="HTTP/cas.abcd.com@ABCD.COM" /> ...
将.error()-value 更改为“test!”时这会被记录下来,但向用户显示的错误也是无效的凭据行。因此,AuthenticationFlowError 似乎是一个 ENUM,我认为它不适用于来自第三方的动态国际化消息。但是有没有办法告诉我的身份验证上下文从我的第三方系统返回错误消息?
My expected behaviour is that a connection through the proxy will be established using plain HTTP without authentication and after the SSL connection has been established, the request will be sent using SPEGNO. On the network, the only thing that I can see is a TCP connection being established...