When you deploy an AD FS 2.0 Federation Server farm you must specify a domain-based service account, and the AD FS 2.0 service account needs to have a SPN (servicePrincipalName) registered to allow Kerberos to function for the Federation Service....
pszServiceAcctDN is the distinguished name of the local computer account. Parameters: pszServiceAcctDN - Contains the distinguished name of the logon account for this instance of the service. pspn - Contains an array of SPNs to register. ulSpn - Contains the number of SPNs in the array...
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFilesThe diagnostic information that this update creates resembles the following: <Date> <Time>:: i INFO: The UserAccountControl value for the service account is ### <Date> <Time>:: i INFO: Registered valid SP...
在下列情況下,需要SPN註冊。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 設定Analysis Services for Kerberos 限制委派。身分識別委派是必要的,才能將使用者身分識別從用戶端應用程式或仲介層服務流向 Analysis Services。 身分識別委派通常會在特定物件上定義個別用戶的許可權或篩選時使用。 涉及身分識別委派的常見案例是設定中介層服務,例如 ...
配置成功后,将显示“Registering ServicePrincipalNames for CN=…”的消息。 3. 删除SPN 可以使用setspn工具删除已配置的SPN。打开命令提示符窗口,输入以下命令: setspn -d <service_name>/<host_name>:<port> <service_account> 其中,是服务或应用程序的名称,是主机名,是端口号(如果适用),是服务所在的用户账户...
<Date> <Time>:: i INFO: The UserAccountControl value for the service account is ###<Date> <Time>:: i INFO: Registered valid SPNs list for endpoint 2: <Date> <Time>:: i INFO: SPN Whitelist Added <IPv6> - <fe80:0:0:0...
Specify an SPN that will be used to look up the service account for the SQL Server instance. This can be any user-defined string that maps to the service account. In this case, the key must be registered manually in the KDC and must satisfy the rules for a user-defined SPN. The Fail...
Currently, the script performs the following actions:* Queries a Global Cataloginthe Active Directory root domainforall Microsoft SQL SPNsinthe forest*Displays the Microsoft SQL server FQDNs ports and instances*Identifies any service accounts associated with the SQL instance and includes the account in...
If you're using Kerberos-based authentication, you must configure an SPN for Network Controller in Active Directory. The SPN is a unique identifier for the Network Controller service instance, which is used by Kerberos authentication to associate a service instance with a service login account. ...
ServicePrincipalName=SPN The value you set here must match the service name that has also been mapped to a domain account on the Active Directory domain controller using the Microsoft command-line tool, setspn.exe. For example, if you use setspn.exe to add an SPN as follows: setspn -a FP...