Specifically, the error I get is "<company file structure>/Rev-/Board Layout/log_brd2odb.log' does not exist", followed by a "(SPMHGE-268): brd2odb.exe had errors, use Viewlog to review the log file." in the comma...
您需要登录才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册 x 17.2命令窗口出现(SPMHGE-268):report had errors,use...
17.2命令窗口出现(SPMHGE-268):report had errors,use viewlog to review the log file.该如何解决 ...
17.2命令窗口出现(SPMHGE-268):report had errors,use viewlog to review the log file.该如何解决 ...