p3.2:选择oneway_anova_within二阶分析的结果存储路径文件夹——>oneway_anova_within_results p 3.3: Design 分析选择One-way ANOVA-within subject(单因素重复测量方差分析) p 3.4:选择进行分析的数据——这里数据的输入是以subjects的形式(有多少个被试就要New多少个subject) 具体数据的输入 subject1的数据输入 ...
To compare two groups of subjects in SPM99 in a so-called "ran- dom effect analysis" (with one scan per subject), one can use the "Basic Models/Two sample t-test"; To compare more than two groups, "Basic Models/One way Anova" should be selected. In both cases, the design ...
1st-levelanalysis:FitthemodelforeachsubjectusingdifferentGLMsforeachsubject.Typically,onedesignmatrixpersubject Definetheeffectofinterestforeachsubjectwithacontrastvector.Thecontrastvectorproducesacontrastimagecontainingthecontrastoftheparameterestimatesateachvoxel.2nd-levelanalysis:FeedthecontrastimagesintoaGLMthat...
1 subject compared to controls | 1. How can SPM best be used to compare a single subject to a group of | controls in order to establish the pattern of regional abnormalities? I | have tried using the two sample t-test, two groups, one scan per subject | model, with success, but wa...
P1:创建oneway_anova分析的结果文件夹: 命令行输入mkdir oneway_anova_results P2:打开spm :命令行输入 spm fmri P3:步骤1:建立 spm二阶分析模型 p3.1:点击Specify 2nd-level p3.2:选择 oneway-anova 二阶分析的结果存储路径 文件夹——>oneway_anova_results ...