1 例:index=* earliest=-2h@h latest=now replace:将字段中的值替换为新值。可以使用通配符*进行模糊匹配 1 语法:replace(<wc-string> WITH<wc-string>)...[IN<field-list>]例:|replace "原值" with "新值" in 字段名 tstats:对加速数据模型进行统计查询 1 语法:| tstats [prestats=<bool>] [loca...
tstats 命令:用于高效的时间序列统计分析。 tstats count from datamodel=Network_Traffic where earliest="-7d@d" latest="now()" by _time, src_ip 这条命令会从网络流量数据模型中统计过去7天内每个源IP地址的事件数量。 高级用法 子搜索与子报表:使用 subsearch 或[ ... ] 来嵌入子查询。 宏:定义可...
| tstats latest(_time) as latest where index=* earliest=-24h by host tstatsサーチを実行して、ユーザーがアクセスできる任意のインデックスで最も新しいイベントの「_time」フィールドを抽出します。取得するイベントは過去24時間以内のものに絞り、結果をホスト...
| rest splunk_server=local count=0 /services/data/models | table title,acceleration.earliest_time Use theCIM Setuppage in the Splunk Common Information Model app to modify the retention setting for CIM data models. For more information, seeChange the summary range for data model accelerationsin ...
例:index=* earliest=-2h@h latest=now replace:将字段中的值替换为新值。可以使⽤通配符*进⾏模糊匹配 语法:replace(<wc-string> WITH<wc-string>)...[IN<field-list>]例:|replace "原值" with "新值" in 字段名 tstats:对加速数据模型进⾏统计查询 语法:| tstats [prestat...
mstatswith therate(x)functionUses the difference between the count value of the earliest event in a timespan and the count value of the latest event in the same timespan.If your timespan is1h, to get the rate for 2 P.M. you would take the earliest event from the 1 P.M. - 2 P...
latest(_time) as last_activity, earliest(_time) as first_activity, values(target{}.type) as target_apps by user | eval time_span = (last_activity - first_activity) / 3600 | eval avg_activity_per_hour = if(time_span > 0,
replace (<wc-string> WITH <wc-string>)...[IN <field-list>] 示例 | replace"原值"with"新值"in字段名 earliest latest 将查询结果控制在某个时间范围。 一般用于子查询或动态查询。 现在:now 2小时前:-2h@h 1天前:-1d@d 示例 index=* earliest=-2h@h latest=now...
How to parse outer search to get earliest and latest time range of subsearch? Hi, I am trying to create a search the looks for specific signatures detected on the IPS and then returns all rela... byshayNew MemberinSplunk Search09-01-2020 ...
Before I decide to accelerate the data model, I want to make sure the output of both the alert and tstats query are the same. To control this, I set an arbitrary timeframe: earliest=-4h@h, latest=-2h@h and apply that to both queries. In the tstats command, I do a pipe search ...