| eval percent_bytes_out = bytes_out/total_bytes_out * 100 | table src dest bytes_in bytes_out total_bytes_out percent_bytes_out | where percent_bytes_out > 60 | sort - percent_bytes_out dest Building on the previous search criteria, I calculate the eventstats by summing the bytes_o...
| stats sum(bytes_in) as bytes_in sum(bytes_out) as bytes_out values(total_bytes_out) as total_bytes_out by src dest | eval percent_bytes_out = bytes_out/total_bytes_out * 100 | table src dest bytes_in bytes_out total_bytes_out percent_bytes_out | where percent_bytes_out > 60...
sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase [search sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase | top limit=1 clientip | table clientip] | stats count AS "Total Purchased", distinct_count(productId) AS "Total Products", values(productId) AS "Product IDs" by clientip | rename clienti...
I've looked at several posts involving "Percent of Total" and have tried the suggestions, but still can't get exactly the result I'm looking to have. I would like to have the "range, count, and percentage of the total count" for each range. I've been able to ge...
stats values(productId) as top5 ] | eval productId=if(like(top5, "%".productId."%"), productId, "OTHERS") | stats count by productId | eventstats sum(count) as totalcount | eval percent = round(count/totalcount*100 , 2)."%" | fields - totalcount | sort -count | head 5 ...
* Specifies the percent of the total memory that the search process is entitled to consume. * Search processes that violate the threshold percentage are terminated. * If the value is set to zero, then splunk search processes are allowed to grow unbounded in terms of percentage memory usage. ...
field value percent variation Hi, I need to setup the alertbased on a field's(totalCount) value percent variation. My log looks like : endPo... Jiten009 Explorer in Alerting03-13-2013 0 1 auto-refresh alarm manager was wondering if it is possibleto get alert manager ...
Search the access logs, and return the total number of hits from the top 100 values of "referer_domain". The "top" command returns a count and percent value for each "referer_domain". sourcetype=access_combined | top limit=100 referer_domain | stats sum(count) AS total ...
然后,fields - percent 会删除显⽰百分⽐的列,因此,剩下的最终结果表就变得更⼩ 了。 关关于搜索管道 “搜索管道”是指 Splunk 搜索的结构,在此结构中,多个连续命令通 管道符 | 链接在⼀起。管道符指⽰ Splunk 软件使⽤⼀个命令 (位于管道符左侧)的输出或结果作为下⼀个命令 (位于管道符右侧)...
top-hitters() …\| top-hitters 1 of Y by X perc(Y) Returnerar percentilvärdet X för fältet Y. Returnerar till exempel perc5(total) det femte percentilvärdet för ett fält total. percentile() …\| summarize percentile(Y, 5) range(X) Returnerar skillnaden mellan fälte...