| where type == "result" # 需要确保管道前后的命令逻辑上是连贯的 4. stats - 用于聚合数据 | stats values(nums) as num | stats first(value) as max_value | stats sum(num) as nums # stats 命令后面通常跟聚合函数,如 count, sum, avg 等 5. eval - 用于计算表达式并将结果赋值给新字段 |...
index="apachedata" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie"|iplocation clientip | where Country="China"|stats count by Country|rename Country as "国家" 四、IP地址分析 在世界地图上显示IP分布,使用Cluster Map可视化显示。 geostats命令:生成将在世界地图上呈现且群集化成地理数据箱的统计信息。 index="apached...
1 例:|stats count by 字段1,字段2 将查询结果按字段1和字段2分组,统计记录数量 timechart:将查询结果以时间为x轴进行聚合统计 1 语法:timechart[sep=<string>][format=<string>][partial=<bool>][limit=<int>][agg=<stats-agg-term>][<bin-options>...]((<single-agg>[By<split-by-clause>...
| stats count as total_failed_logins by user ```Retrieve baselines from csv lookup``` | lookup aws_cloudtrail_consolelogin_failed_logins_baseline.csv user outputnew user, baseline ```Condition to trigger alert```| where total_failed_logins > baseline In the presented example, the user 'frot...
| tstats count WHERE index=os sourcetype=* by host sourcetype | appendpipe [| tstats count WHERE index=os by host | eval count=0 | eval sourcetype="df linux_audit linux_messages linux_secure vmstat" | makemv sourcetype | mvexpand sourcetype] | stats max(count) as count by host ...
index=main | stats count(eval(status="404")) as count_status by sourcetype 字段值拼接: 正确:index=main source="tutorialdata.zip*www1/access.log" | eval action_dsc=action.productId 不推荐(数字时与预期不一样):index=main source="tutorialdata.zip*www1/access.log" | eval action_dsc=action...
| stats count(bppm_message) as Total_count, count(eval(like(closed_with, "%INC%"))) as Closed-With-INC, count(eval(like(closed_with, "%CRQ%"))) as Closed-With-CRQ, count(eval(like(closed_with, "%PKE%"))) as Closed-With-PKE, count(eval(like(closed_with, "%WO%"))) as ...
| stats count by src dest | where count > 1 | sort – count The search is looking at the firewall data originating from the netblock and going to destinations that are not internal or DNS. The stats command is generating a count, grouped by source and destination addres...
例如:eval、where、rex等命令 流式命令示例 有状态流式命令 只能一条一条的处理,可以记录全局的状态。 不能也不要对搜索结果进行排序。 可以在只能在SearchHead上执行。 例如:accum 、streamstats 、dedup等命令。 有状态流式命令示例: 事件命令 把搜索结果视为一个整体进行处理 可能会重新排列搜索结果 通常维护每...
在上述示例中,首先执行内部查询search index=web_logs | stats count | avg(count),该查询用于计算访问量的平均值。然后,将该结果作为外部查询的条件,执行外部查询index=web_logs | stats count by clientip | where count >,从而获取访问量高于平均值的IP地址。