Hi, We are using two source files to list data in this format: Name1: uniqueID1 uniqueID2 uniqueID3 Name2: uniqueID1 uniqueID2 ... And then we
Solved: Hello, I have got events with two different types: Type=First and type=Second I would like to get the consolidated(with unique tags) from
index=main source="*access*" productId=* | join [search index=main source="*access*" productId=* | top 5 productId showcount=false showperc=false | stats values(productId) as top5 ] | eval productId=if(like(top5, "%".productId."%"), productId, "OTHERS") | stats count by pr...
distinct_countThe number of unique values in the field. is_exactWhether or not the count of the distinct field values is exact. If the number of distinct values of the field exceeds themaxvalsvalue, thenfieldsummarystops retaining all the distinct values and computes an approximate distinct coun...
Tokens are entities that let logging agents and HTTP clients connect to the HEC input. Each token has a unique value, which is a 128-bit number that is represented as a 32-character globally unique identifier (GUID). Each character can be a number from 0-9 or a letter from a-f, and...
If there is a unique ID, the stats command can be used 18. How do I troubleshoot Splunk performance issues? The answer to this question would be very wide, but, mostly, an interviewer would be looking for the following keywords: Check splunkd.log for errors Check server performance issues...
Aneventis a set of values associated with a timestamp. It is a single entry of data and can have one or multiple lines. An event can be a text document, a configuration file, an entire stack trace, and so on. This is an example of an event in a web activity log: ...
Tracing starts the moment a user interacts with an application. You send an initial request and that is assigned a unique trace ID. One trace represents one user interaction. As the request moves through the host system, every operation performed on it (span) is tagged with a few items. ...
query should return two columns that are named_textand_value. The_textcolumn value should be unique (if it is not unique then the first value is used). The options in the dropdown list will have a text and value so that you can have a friendly name as text and an ID as the value...
Following is the list of affected metrics which will now only report a single datapoint per set of unique attribute values. vcenter.host.cpu.reserved vcenter.host.disk.latency.avg vcenter.host.disk.latency.max vcenter.host.disk.throughput vcenter.host.network.packet.drop.rate vcenter.host.net...