The dynamic problems can at least be limited by splitting the gearbox into two transmission stages, thus providing a transmission shaft rotating at a “medium” speed 相关内容 a电解时,在电极上析出物质的数量,与通过溶液的电流强度和通电时间成正比,也就是与通过溶液的电量成正比 When electrolysis, separ...
adj.(头痛)欲裂的 v.“split”的现在分词 网络分割;分离;分解 同义词 反义词 adj. excruciating,unbearable,piercing,intense,severe n. split,ripping,tearing,cracking,rupture 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 splitting. adj. 1. (头痛)欲裂的if you have asplitting headache, you have a very bad pain in...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk and other tech titans are warring with some of US President-elect Donald Trump’s staunchest supporters over immigration visas. Trump has backed Musk and praised the use of H-1B visas to bring skilled foreign workers to the United States, but the issue has become a flas...
It is definitely not his wish to see Members, without actively participatinginthediscussion,splittingintotwo camps of supporting or opposing euthanasia. 他的用心 , 絕 對不是 希望大家 在 安樂死 的 問題上 , 不用積極 參與討論 , 便會出現 支持和反 對的兩極。
1. to break or cause to break, esp forcibly, by cleaving into separate pieces, often into two roughly equal pieces: to split a brick. 2. to separate or be separated from a whole: he split a piece of wood from the block. 3. to separate or be separated into factions, usually thro...
1. to break or cause to break, esp forcibly, by cleaving into separate pieces, often into two roughly equal pieces: to split a brick. 2. to separate or be separated from a whole: he split a piece of wood from the block. 3. to separate or be separated into factions, usually thro...
Pensions can be overlooked during divorce – particularly when you aren't close to retirement age. But they can be one of the largest assets in your case. You may be tempted to focus on tangible assets like a house or car, but it's also important to consider your future financial ...
Extract values between two given delimiting strings Extract text between words - UDF Split words in a cell range into a cell each [UDF] Split words in a cell range into a cell each - Excel 365 1. Blank as a delimiting character - array formula Array formula in cell D1: =MID(" "&$...
Off the parties went again, this time splitting up into two groups, and after one-and-a-half hours of more gruelling trekking Clr Kaye stumbled on the dark against something sharp and metallic. Bomber crash mystery solved! NOSTALGIA The amazing story of Meltham moorland rescue of US B17 air...
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. lig·a·ment (lĭg′ə-mənt) A sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue that connects two bones or holds an organ of the body in ...