splitGFP的应用场景splitGFP的应用场景 splitGFP的应用功能主要用于防止IP地址冒用的场景,例如希望实现用户私自更改IP地址后不能访问外网时可以配置此功能。 IP地址冒用指攻击者使用自己的MAC地址,但是冒用他人的IP地址进行通信,以获取被攻击者的权限或者本应发送给被攻击者的报文。 实现原理 IPSG功能是基于绑定表(DHCP...
摘要:【目的】以Split-GFP 双荧光互补技术检测鸡肌肉生长抑制素基因(MSTN )RNA 干涉(RNAi )效果,并与其 他常用检测方法比较,以验证Split-GFP 双分子荧光互补技术在RNAi 效果评估中的有效性和可行性。【方法】将合成的3个shRNA 慢病毒载体(shRNA-a 、shRNA-b 和shRNA-c )分别转染稳定表达GFP11-MSTN ...
本研究的主要内容是将Split-GFP方法应用到H. pylori的T4SS蛋白转运研究中。首先将GFP的11β折叠锚定到CagA蛋白上,将1-10 β折叠在受体细胞AGS和GES-1内表达,在细菌-细胞共培养中检测到了CagA蛋白通过T4SS转运到受体细胞后的荧光现象,解决了以往研究中利用完整GFP示踪CagA蛋白转运使得其无法通过T4SS运输的难题;接...
The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has seen widespread use in biological research. It can be split into two or three fragments, which self-assemble and reconstitute structure and function. A particular type of split GFP is called Leave-one-out-GFP (LOO-GFP). A LOO-GFP is designed to ...
摘要 【目的】以Split-GFP双荧光互补技术检测鸡肌肉生长抑制素基因(MSTN)RNA干涉(RNAi)效果,并与其他常用检测方法比较,以验证Split-GFP双分子荧光互补技术在RNAi效果评估中的有效性和可行性。【方法】...展开更多 【Objective】The purpose of this study was to detect the efficacy of RNA interference(RNAi)of ...
Split-GFP reassembly is an operationally simple in vivo technique used to identify and study interactions involving proteins and/or peptides. However, the instability of split-GFP fragments and their susceptibility to aggregation place limitations on the broader use of split-GFP reassembly. Supercharged...
文中,基于三分子split GFP荧光互补体系,开发了一个灵敏的荧光turn-on的生物传感器用于转肽酶活性及其抑制剂的筛选.转肽酶能催化含有其识别序列的GFP10和GFP11发生转肽反应,反应产物多肽GFP10-11能与GFP1-9互补形成完整的GFP蛋白并伴随着荧光信号的恢复.该分析方法具有较宽的线性检测范围(0.3-100 nM)和低的检测...
The split GFP system was adapted for investigation of the topology of ER-associated proteins. A 215-amino acid fragment of GFP (S1-10) was expressed in the cytoplasm as a free protein or fused to the N-terminus of calnexin and in the ER as an intraluminal protein or fused to the C-...
a Cartoon of targeted split-GFP chimeras are able to complement at the OMM, within the IMS and in the mitochondrial matrix. Sub-mitochondrial localization of wild type and mutant α-syn was analyzed in HeLa b and SHSY5Y c cells by the co-expression of the OMM, IMS and mitochondrial matrix...
5.本发明的目的是提供一种应用crispr/cas9和split gfp双分子荧光互补技术标记胶质瘤干细胞标志物lgr5的方法及其用途,融合最新的内源蛋白标记技术,即crispr/cas9和split gfp双分子荧光互补技术,在胶质瘤干细胞中标记内源lgr5蛋白,克服因缺乏高特异性的抗体,使得现有方法无法准确检测lgr5在gscs中的内源蛋白表达水平的难...