splitChunks: { chunks: "async", // "initial" | "all"(推荐) | "async" (默认就是async) | 函数 minSize: 30000, // 最小尺寸,30000 minChunks: 1, // 最小 chunk ,默认1 maxAsyncRequests: 5, // 最大异步请求数, 默认5 maxInitialRequests: 3, // 最大初始化请...
针对node—module模块会打包到一个文件夹中,针对第三方自己编写的模块会打包到另一个文件中。 {chunks:"async",// async:分割异步加载代码,all分割同步加载代码minSize:30000,//分割模块超过30kb进行分割minChunks:1,//node_modules导入的模块至少使用一次后再分割maxAsyncRequests:5,//异步加载最多加载多少模块maxIni...
zoomdong 公众号 @zoomdong 关于介绍webpack中splitChunksPlugin配置代码分割的相关文章在国内确实是没有几篇高质量的,建议多看看官方的英文文档,确实是收货蛮大. 链接 发布于 2019-03-22 11:24 登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益: 更懂你的优质内容 更专业的大咖答主 ...
So that should be one of the chunks that has priority, to optimally split. Maybe also the maxInitialSplits / maxAsyncRequests are a bit tight because for a pretty standard setup you already have 4 async requests: Runtime (for long time caching) App (small entry point) Vendor (base ...
The Rspack-based build tool. It's fast, out-of-the-box and extensible. - fix(plugin-react): allow to override builtin split chunks (#3887) · web-infra-dev/rsbuild@751423e
The problem is not specific to mini-css-extract-plugin. It's how split chunk works, the order stability of chunks is not guaranteed, confirmed by one of the maintainers of webpack: We don't guarantee order of chunks and if your CSS depends on cross-module order that won't work. I'...