importjava.util.Arrays;publicclassSplitWithDelimiter{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// 第一步:定义输入字符串Stringinput="apple,orange,grape";// 输入字符串// 第二步:定义分隔符Stringdelimiter=",";// 定义分隔符// 第三步:使用正则表达式切分字符串并保留分隔符String[]result=input.split("(?<=...
以下是一个有效的实现例子,我们将以逗号作为分隔符: publicclassSplitWithDelimiter{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Stringinput="apple,banana,orange,grape";Stringregex="(,)";// 使用正则表达式保留分隔符String[]parts=input.split(regex,-1);for(Stringpart:parts){System.out.println(part);}}} 1. 2...
import re def split_with_delimiter(string, delimiter): pattern = re.compile(f'({re.escape(delimiter)})') result = re.split(pattern, string) return result # 示例用法 string = 'Hello,World!' delimiter = ',' result = split_with_delimiter(string, delimiter) print(result) # ['Hello', '...
如果expression为空字符串(""),Split将返回一个空数组。delimiter: 可选,用于定义子字符串的边界,可以是任意字符。默认情况下,空格字符(" ")被用作分隔符。若delimiter为零长度字符串,结果数组仅包含一个元素,即完整表达式。count: 可选,指定要返回的子字符串数量,-1表示返回所有子字符串。在...
How do I split a Java String at a delimiter but keep empty trailing strings?Example: You are parsing a CSV row into a String[] and the last column(s) are empty but you want the array length to be the same as the CSV column count so as to avoid java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExcep...
and the array's last entry will contain all input beyond the last matched delimiter. If nisnon-positive then the pattern will be appliedasmany timesaspossible and the array can have any length. If niszero then the pattern will be appliedasmany timesaspossible, the array can have any length...
Java中split的用法 Java中split的⽤法 Java中的我们可以利⽤split把字符串按照指定的分割符进⾏分割,然后返回字符串数组,下⾯是string.split的⽤法实例及注意事项: java.lang.string.split split ⽅法 将⼀个字符串分割为⼦字符串,然后将结果作为字符串数组返回。 stringObj.split([separator,[limit]...
If the limit is positive then the pattern will be applied at most limit - 1 times, the array's length will be no greater than limit, and the array's last entry will contain all input beyond the last matched delimiter. If the limit is zero then the pattern will be applie...
() 方法拆分字符串,默认以空格为分隔符...() 和指定分隔符 ',', 拆分字符串:", split_with_delimiter) # 运行结果: 使用 split() 和指定分隔符 ',', 拆分字符串: ['apple', 'banana...但是,在处理一些特殊情况时,比如当你想要从字符串末尾开始拆分并保留特定数量的分隔符右侧的元素时,rsplit()就...