14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Light rain. Overcast. 10 / 5 °C Humidity: 67%. Wind: 12 km/h↑from Northeast More weather last week Currently at nearby stations 12 °C Split / Resnik:(12 km) ...
Split 30 days forecast, weather trend in the next 30 days, also 30 days precipitation forecast and Split travel weather forecast
Sunny days 298 days per year 14 day forecast Saturday 15 Feb 98% 11°C5°C 22 Feb 12°C3°C Sunday 16 Feb 12°C5°C 23 Feb 9°C2°C Monday 17 Feb 87% 11°C7°C 24 Feb 9°C1°C Tuesday 18 Feb 11°C6°C 25 Feb 12°C3°C ...
Weather in Athens Average Weather14 day forecast Average monthly max temperature Average monthly min temperature 12°C 7°C January 14°C 7°C February 16°C 9°C March 20°C 12°C April 24°C 16°C May 29°C 21°C June 32°C ...
A basic multilayer perception (MLP) is applied as the baseline model to forecast the next 4-h electricity loads. As a hard constraint, the limited memory resources on smart meters make it challenging to train a high-performing large-scale model with large amounts of data. We first ...
We're thinking: Snow Canyon State Park (1 day); the main section of Zion (2 days); Kolob canyon and Kolob terrace sections of Zion (1-2 days) and then a day or two where we just stay local and relax/hike in the area. I know staying in Springdale or in the Lodge...
In recent days Detroit Democrat and House Speaker Joe Tate reports he is open to discussing the ban, which of course is not the same as saying he would be for it. Governor Gretchen Whitmer has not endorsed it and last December she offered this. "Obviously we've got...
The mounting cost of extreme weather events is turbocharging the market for catastrophe bonds. Designed in the mid-1990s in the aftermaths of Hurricane Andrew and the Northridge earthquake, these bonds allow insurers, companies and even governments to transfer some of the risk of a disaster to inv...
Ocado shares have fallen nearly 50 per cent over the past six months. Fitch, the credit rating agency, downgraded its outlook to negative on Monday, citing a slower forecast for its international tech operations to turn profitable. Ocado said it would use the funds to help its partners, which...
Ocado shares have fallen nearly 50 per cent over the past six months. Fitch, the credit rating agency, downgraded its outlook to negative on Monday, citing a slower forecast for its international tech operations to turn profitable. Ocado said it would use the funds to help its partners, which...