If you have to split a number into an array often, define a reusable function. index.js function splitNumber(num) { return String(num) .split('') .map(str => Number(str)); } console.log(splitNumber(1234)); // 👉️ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] console.log(splitNumber(123)); // 👉...
Array.prototype.flatten=function(){ return[].concat.apply([],this) } Array.prototype.mapFlatten=function(){ returnthis.map.apply(this,arguments).flatten() } Array.prototype.intersperse=function(token){ // [1,2,3].intersperse('x') -> [1,'x',2,'x',3] returnthis.mapFlatten(function(x...
sentence = "Hello, world, how are you today?" sentence_array = sentence.split(", ") print(sentence_array) 输出结果: 代码语言:txt 复制 ['Hello', 'world', 'how are you today?'] .split()方法的参数是分隔符,可以是一个字符串或字符。在上述示例中,我们使用逗号和空格作为分隔符,将句...
In this article, you'll learn to split a Javascript array into chunks with a specified size using different implementations. 1. Using a for loop and the slice function Basically, every method will use the slice method in order to split the array, in this case what makes this method differe...
array.splice(-2); // [0,1,2,3,4];负数代表从数组最后一个开始向前数 index(包括第 index 个); // 设置两个参数的情景 array.splice(2, 1); // [0,1,3,4,5,6]; 删除从第 index 开始数的 howmany 个数; array.splice(2, -1); // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; 删除从第 index 开始数的...
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
In JavaScript, playing with arrays and performing various operations on the arrays, whether it’s the insertion, deletion, or data manipulation inside an array, are very common things that every programmer should know. The JavaScript language makes our life much easier by providing us with various...
JavaScript中String对象的split方法可以用来拆分字符串,它接受一个字符串或正则表达式参数作为分隔符,返回被这个分隔符分割之后的字符串数组。一个字符串分割为子字符串,然后将结果作为字符串数组返回。stringObj.split([separator,[limit]])stringObj必选项。要被分解的 String 对象或文字。该对象不会被 ...
vararr =newArray(3) arr[0] ="George" arr[1] ="John" arr[2] ="Thomas" document.write(arr +"") document.write(arr.slice(1) +"") document.write(arr) 输出: 1 2 3 George,John,Thomas John,Thomas George,John,Thomas 例子2