The byte stringxstris split at bytes with the value hexadecimal 20, which stands for a blank in code page UTF-8, into an internal table with row typexstring. DATA(xstr) = cl_abap_codepage=>convert_to( `Like a Hurricane` ).
1. 了解SAP ABAP中字符串操作的基础知识 SAP ABAP提供了多种处理字符串的函数模块和内置函数,其中SPLIT STRING是用于拆分字符串的内置函数之一。 2. 查找SAP ABAP中用于拆分字符串的函数或方法 在SAP ABAP中,SPLIT STRING函数是专门用于拆分字符串的。该函数可以将一个字符串按照指定的分隔符拆分成多个子字符串,并...
SPLIT dobj AT sep INTO {{result1 result2[...]}|{TABLE result_tab}} [IN{CHARACTER|BYTE}MODE]. Zusatz: Wirkung Der Inhalt des Operandendobjwird gemäß der insepenthaltenen Trennzeichenfolge in Segmente zerlegt und die Ergebnisse werden entweder in einzelnen Zielfeldernresult1 result2...
The two SAP split variants are using variables and using ABAP internal table for storing splitted string values. ABAP programmers can see how split string functions are used in below sample ABAP program. First method usesSPLIT ... AT ... INTOABAP command and stores outcome or splitted string ...
如下面的代码所示,在调试窗口中可以看到执行完第6行代码之后内表 lt_split_table 中所有的行项目。 1DATA: lv_strTYPEstring,2lt_split_tableTYPETABLEOFstring.34lv_str ='/This/is/a/test./'.56SPLITlv_strAT'/'INTO TABLElt_split_table.
如下面的代码所示,在调试窗口中可以看到执行完第6行代码之后内表 lt_split_table 中所有的行项目。 1DATA: lv_strTYPEstring,2lt_split_tableTYPETABLEOFstring.34lv_str ='/This/is/a/test./'.56SPLITlv_strAT'/'INTO TABLElt_split_table.
SPLIT field_variable AT delimiter_value INTO result_1 … result_n. SPLIT field_variable AT delimiter_value INTO TABLE itab. If the size of a spitted string part is bigger than and defined destination variable, system field SY-SUBRC value will be 4, otherwise it will be zero ( shows succ...
ABAP正则表达式 vs SPLIT INTO 技术标签:SAPABAP 需求: 把如下通过”/”连接起来的三个字符串分别解析出来。 传统的做法见下图第98行的function module SKWF_UTIL_IO_FIND_BY_KEY: 这个function module的作用就是解析用两个/分隔开的document type: L, document class: CRM_L_ORD和document guid。 这个function...
Hi, currently we have the rule "Align keywords with second word of first line" that has no options. Starting point for all examples is this code: READ TABLE lt_data ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_data>) WITH KEY key1_id = lv_key_id1 keyfield...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Use a cursor to read sections of the table at a time and then download the data in packets to the file. Such as... DATA: cur TYPE cursor. OPEN CURSOR vur FOR SELECT * FROM spfli ORDER BY carrid. DO. FETCH NEXT CURSOR cur INTO TABLE spfli...