Splinter Cell has horrible Controller support - This Mod nearly corrects this, it was created using an Xbox Elite Series 2 controller. Almost all the controls works, but some actions require the combinations of controller and mouse. Please see description below. 434KB 18 1.9k View More - ...
[Website](https://thirteenag.github.io/wfp#scb) | [Source](https://github.com/ThirteenAG/WidescreenFixesPack/blob/master/source/SplinterCellBlacklist.FusionMod/dllmain.cpp) | [Default INI File](https://github.com/ThirteenAG/WidescreenFixesPack/blob/master/data/SplinterCellBlacklist.FusionMod/src...
As a general callout to mod authors, please set your mod files to allow Vortex download. This can be done by going to the file(s), clicking manage, then edit details, then unchecking Remove the 'Download with manager' button (at the bottom of the form that pops up).First ThoughtsAs...
this is not a mod, this is an external software (Gamac) that adds Speech Recognition, Text To Speech, Keyboard Tweaks & more to the game and can be configured to work with mods.