The next installment of the critically acclaimed stealth-action franchise, Tom Clancy's Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Chaos Theory™ sends Sam Fisher on a perilous mission to stop a cyberterrorist plot that threatens worldwide war. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, ...
任务9结尾前存档,过场后按R1解锁Price of Betrayal ,读档,按[]收枪解锁Price of Friendship 分裂细胞混沌理论(Splinter Cell Chaos Theory)Expert模式100%攻略 Expert难度敌人有千里眼顺风耳,所以为了保持最小击倒,视频作者的方法可能有些极致,但是整体思路是很...
See Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory's production, company, and contact information. Explore Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment pr
运用TomClancy的《分裂细胞3:混沌理论》splintercellchaosthoery,并得到传奇的splintercell的特权,从而取得动作游戏的突破,ubisoft’s著名的蒙特利尔发展工作室继续带领电玩的互动性和技术可能性。 TomClancy的《分裂细胞3:混沌理论》splintercellchaostheory讲述了一个关于隐藏的阴谋的故事。作为间谍的samfisher不断探索国际间...
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory: Directed by Mario Galardo. With Michael Ironside, Claudia Besso, Don Jordan, Thor Bishopric. Proving you can't keep a good agent down, Sam Fisher returns for this third undercover outing, which takes him deep inside North Kor
游戏 包含的内容可能不适合所有年龄段,或不宜在工作期间访问。 开发者对内容描述如下: “Citywide blackouts ... stock exchange sabotage ... electronic hijacking of national defense systems ... this is information warfare. To prevent these attacks, operatives must infiltrate deep into hostile territory an...
概述系统要求 功能 Xbox One X Enhanced 描述 The next installment of the critically acclaimed stealth-action franchise, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Chaos Theory™ sends Sam Fisher on a perilous mission to stop a cyberterrorist plot that threatens worldwide war. ...
Verification failed (object: 0x0) (in file /rpcs3/rpcs3/Emu/Cell/Modules/cellGame.cpp:800[:3], in function error_code cellGameBootCheck(vm::ptr, vm::ptr, vm::ptr<CellGameContentSize>, vm::ptr<char[32]>)) (errno=110=Connection timed out) (PPU: cellGameBootCheck) Weird thing is ...
名称: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory® 类型: 动作 开发商: Ubisoft Montreal 发行商: Ubisoft 发行日期: 2005 年 3 月 29 日 访问网站 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 92 metacritic 阅读游戏评测 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请...
SPLINTER CELL CHAOS THEORY.Reviews the multi-console video game Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory from Ubisoft. INSET: FOUR-PLAY.EBSCO_bspElectronic Gaming Monthly