[Website](https://thirteenag.github.io/wfp#scb) | [Source](https://github.com/ThirteenAG/WidescreenFixesPack/blob/master/source/SplinterCellBlacklist.FusionMod/dllmain.cpp) | [Default INI File](https://github.com/ThirteenAG/WidescreenFixesPack/blob/master/data/SplinterCellBlacklist.FusionMod/src...
Overall: Splinter Cell 1 was supposed to be better and more stealth like than Metal Gear Solid 2: Son?s Of Liberty, in my mind it was not worth the money it was made for, the levels long and frustrating and save points in the weirdest place! Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow is a Meta...
Today, Ubisoft pushed out a patch for the PC version of Splinter Cell: Blacklist. There are dozens of tiny little fixes, but some notable among them are DX11 graphical improvements, supposed multiplayer host migration changes, and “balance tweaks for frontal attacks.” While I can’t confirm ...