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But that's not all: SPlayer also includes some interesting extra characteristics, like support for subtitles, audio and video equalizer, a screenshot tool to capture individual frames and three types of interface – minimal, compact and standard. In short, SPlayer may not be as full-featured ...
- Configure playback speed for individual tracks and folders - Sort tracks by name, file name, date or randomly SPlayer is an entirely free HD video player, simple and powerful. Any video format is supported. It is an all-around player. 更多 新...
- zFuse also allows you to easily download files or directory directly from your PC or NAS, it must be the best friend for your trip. - zFuse supports a variety of gestures, just move your fingers, you can adjust the playback position, font size, control volume and brightness. - zFus...
MPC-BEMPC-BE is the preferred media player for Windows users seeking a lightweight, yet powerful multimedia experience. Down Arrow DOWNLOAD SPlayer Down Arrow DOWNLOAD Freeware 63MB Updated: 1 Oct 2020 Downloads: 96.051 Developer:Devs Website ...
If you’re looking for a simple multimedia player that doesn’t use a lot of your computer’s resources, then you will want to downloadSPlayer for macOSapp onto your computer. The simplicity of the interface can accommodate users of all experience levels. You can open movie files or music...
SPlayer is a free high performance all-in-one video player. Built in support/decoders for most video formats like MKV, MP4, H264, DivX, Xvid, Mpeg-4, DVD, VOB, MPEG2, etc. Hardware GPU Acceleration.
- Access network status: This lets us notify you if your 4G network is being used to stream/download online video. - To access wifi state for local video casting Download Apk Similar with SPlayer - Video Player for Android 1.0.48 Apk Ad Free Mod Video Player All Format - HD Video Pla...
By PCWorld Staff May 9, 2011 12:00 am PDT At a Glance Expert's Rating Pros Free; beautiful interface; downloads subtitles Cons Interface/website in Simplified Chinese; installation issue Our Verdict This free do-it-all video player can automatically download subtitles. Creating an open-source...
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