国宝级恶魔 滚筒 3 NS游戏 XCI&NSP 【持续更新】【无偿分享】【已更新4-6】【switch交流吧】_百度贴吧 来自:tieba.baidu.com/p/6606619490?pid=131378199562&cid= 送TA礼物 1楼2020-04-22 19:50回复 小米123457 泡泡枪 11 吧主删了吧 来自Android客户端2楼2020-04-23 09:57 回复 ...
If you have access to the .XCI (cart) or .NSP (e-shop) rom file (I can't get this for you, you'll have to search the internet. Be careful of unsafe sites, use adblock and other protectors): You can also use CDNSP-GUI to find titlekeys for .NSP filesUsing Hactool or Hactool...