如题 分享192 c游戏博客吧 之月M switch Splatoon 3中文4.1.0补丁+2DLC 最新《斯普拉遁3》是一款4对4运用墨汁互相涂抹的对战游戏,对战的基本是称之为“占地对战”的4对4团体战,3分钟内将墨汁涂抹地面,最后涂墨面积(占地)较多的团队胜出。 文件格式:nsp 版本:4.1.0 对应语言:中文 链接:https://pan.baidu...
If you have access to the .XCI (cart) or .NSP (e-shop) rom file (I can't get this for you, you'll have to search the internet. Be careful of unsafe sites, use adblock and other protectors): You can also use CDNSP-GUI to find titlekeys for .NSP filesUsing Hactool or Hactool...