Splatoon™ 3: Expansion Pass 2/8/23 DLC bundle Regular Price:$24.99 Nintendo SwitchDigital best sellers Hello Kitty Island Adventure 1/30/25 New! Regular Price:$39.99 Nintendo Switch Super Mario Party™ Jamboree 10/17/24 Regular Price:$59.99 Nintendo Switch Overcooked! 2 8/7/18 Sale ends...
Take a deeper dive into the expansive world and colorful characters of the Splatoon™ series with the Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass – Inkopolis & Side Order paid DLC*. Challenge yourself to Side Order, a new single-player experience that’s designed to be replayed over and over.Buy itBuy ...
Sling more ink in theSplatoon 3: Expansion Pass– Inkopolis & Side Order paid DLC*! From the return to Inkopolis Plaza to a new single-player campaign, you can enjoy a sea of ink-slinging action. Side Orderreturns players to a VERY different Inkopolis Square, the central area from the ...
New physical reward coming soonGet extra festive with the Splatoon 3 Grand Festival Wristband, an upcoming My Nintendo physical reward. Let it be a lovely memento of your time at the festival, or wear it during your battles for that authentic festival vibe. Stay tuned for more info!Get ...
Splatoon 3 is, without a doubt, the best game in the Splatoon series. This game has new mechanics to the beloved Turf War game, the best plot in the series, and the DLC did not disappoint, even though it's only halfway released so far. For those of you who like listening to video...
按照往年惯例,9月常规直面会中,将介绍年底的2-3款第一方游戏,以及次年1-4月的几款游戏。 这其中当然不乏已经公布的游戏,包括《蓓优妮塔(猎天使魔女)3》和《马力欧+疯狂兔子 星耀之愿》,以及《P5R》等第三方厂商即将发售的一游。 《异度神剑3》的第二弹DLC更新,以及届时刚发售的《斯普拉遁3》应该也会介绍...
《苍蓝雷霆》新DLC 2D横向卷轴动作游戏《苍蓝雷霆 刚巴尔特 3 锁环》第3弹DLC现已上线,2周内可以免费领取,2周后恢复收费。 该DLC是《苍蓝雷霆GUNVOLT》中登场的七宝剑「怠惰的亚空孔(Sloth Holer)」梅拉克的4种技能型印象脉冲,以及《苍蓝雷霆GUNVOLT 2》中登场的伊甸成员「境界线上的电脑王(Serial Experiment)...
If you’re looking for more single-player content, theSide Order DLC***for Splatoon 3 is out now! From what we gather, it seems to be a new adventure designed to be played over and over. You can access it with theSplatoon 3: Expansion Pack. ...
Splatoon 3 has been a massively popular title on Nintendo Switch for casual and competitive gamers alike, selling over 10 million copies in its first three months. With consistent updates, patches, seasonal content, and DLC, Splatoon 3 has continued to be a successful game with plenty of loyal...
18.新的3个amiibo,冬季发售。可以获得新装备、和amiibo角色拍照。 19.接下来2年,每三个月会发布目录,还会有新增武器 20.最高等级X 21.DLC预告:看剪映和二代偶像有关系,日后公布 22.新偶像登场 哦~你问我是谁? 把你耳朵里的海盐掏干净,给我听清楚了! 废寝忘食的夺宝猎人!大海中的黑帮舞者,曼曼是也。