See at Amazon New Amiibo In addition to the game, Nintendo is releasing three new Splatoon Amiibo figures: Octoling (blue), Inkling (Yellow) and Smallfry. The figures are slated to launch sometime this holiday. Nintendo Nintendo will also be reprinting older Splatoon Amiibo ahead of Splatoon ...
任天堂的amiibo系列手办,内置NFC芯片,可以与new 3DS或是wiiU上的部分游戏联动,实现各种增益效果。目前已经推出数十款经典人物形象,造型与做工均受好评,对于任饭而言可谓大坑,不打游戏入手做摆件也是不错的。 及时获取没得比最新优惠信息和海淘代购信息,请添加微信【mdb_2024】 ...
amiibo- Kompatibel mit allen amiibo™-Figuren der Splatoon™-Serie. Wenn du diese amiibo antippst, erscheint der Charakter der Figur im Spiel und freundet sich mit dem Spieler an. Wenn du dich mit einer amiibo-Figur anfreundest, merkt sie sich deine bevorzugten Waffen, Ausrüstungsgegen...
I was lucky enough to be able to preorder the three pack Splatoon amiibo, so it will be good to have that extra content and the cool looking figures. But aside from that 3-5 hours for single player and a very limited local multiplayer mode are disappointing. I suppose it could be ...
Do you want a comprehensive list of every single Nintendo Amiibo and their respective functionalities for Wii U and 3DS? Look no further, we've got you covered!
$35.9 at Amazon GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Splatoon First Released May 29, 2015 Wii U Splatter enemies and claim your turf as the ink-spewing, squid-like characters called Inklings in Nintendo’s new third-person action shooter game for the Wii U console. Developed by...
Splatoon 2 producer Hisashi Nogami doesn't appear to be too concerned about the imminent change. Speaking withPolygon, Nogami-san acknowledges that it will likely have an influence on the game in some ways, but focuses more on how the subscription will allow for additional ...
3轮:BOSS上来就是机器人雷的大,2种方 44024 splatoon吧 三文野良猫 【整理】Splatoon 2 研究情报整理 资料基本整理自微博 Splatoon-乌贼娘- // 任天派 // 乌贼学院Ikacademy ...这几位翻译的信息,方便使用 20428219 switch吧 寂然留清寞 关于splatoon2的amiibo使用心得首先我们先不说姐妹那两个amiibo,那个要...
By hcgamingdad | Review Date: June 6, 2015Splatoon takes a little time to get used to, it is new and different. Once you get into it, it is crazy addictive. Earning pts to level up, upgrade and unlock gear and a nice campaign (expanded by Amiibo) that reminds me alot of Super Ma...