【《Splatoon 2》(喷射战士2)迎来最终庆典和大更新】《Splatoon 2》将在7月18日 - 21日举行最终庆典活动,主题为“混乱 vs 秩序(Chaos vs. Order)”。游戏还会在7月下旬迎来5.0更新,全部24个庆典舞台将能在私人模式下体验。 L二次元游戏社的微博视频 ...
splatoon2最后一次祭典了//@NS新闻速报:最终庆典中 “x100 比赛” 的发生概率是之前的100倍,大家都能体验到100倍分数的快乐。 ¡查看图片 @NS新闻速报 #Splatoon 2# 最大也是最后一次的庆典公布!Chaos(混沌) Vs. Order (秩序)7月18-21日,72小时的庆典~ 发售2周年之际享受最后的庆典吧~ LNS新闻速报的...
Switch平台的动作射击游戏《Splatoon2》公布了游戏中最盛大也是最后一次的喷溅节庆典!本次喷溅节的主题为Chaos(混沌)Vs. Order(秩序),将于7月18-21日举行,持续72小时!在本作发售2周年之际,各位小乌贼们一起来享受最后的庆典吧😎😎!#Splatoon# 01:12 ...
【Splatoon2祭典划水实况】Hare VS TortoiseCZBarney 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多40万 294 1:05 App 《18岁少女第一次玩爱慕希带头套》 10万 142 9:00 App 四逝同堂 332 35 9:45 App 【完结篇】【Splatoon2祭典划水实况】Chaos VS Order 89.5万 725 1:14 App 《18岁少女哭...
Inkopolis is doomed! - After 72 hours of intense battles, the final Splatoon 2 Splatfest results have now been tallied up. Chaos reigns supreme as Pearl take...
The final Splatfest theme for Splatoon 2 was initially Chaos vs. Order, but likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, four encore Splatfests occurred during 2020 and early 2021, with the fourth and final one being Super Mushroom vs. Super Star concluding on January 17, 2021, three years and ...
[Splatoon Animation_SFM] Chaos vs. Order 01:18 [Splatoon Animation_SFM] Into The Light 2 - For a better future {HD - 60FPS} 03:25 [Splatoon SFM] Seaweed 00:19 [Splatoon SFM] Toxic Water 00:33 [Splatoon SFM] Silica (Lights Test) 01:03 [Splatoon SFM] Fatal Friends 02:57 [Splatoon...
We decided on chaos as the theme for this title because Team Chaos won the "Chaos vs. Order" Splatfest, the final online battle event of Splatoon 2. So, you decided on the theme of the next game based on the results of the Splatfest that players participated in? Does that mean even...
We decided on chaos as the theme for this title because Team Chaos won the "Chaos vs. Order" Splatfest, the final online battle event of Splatoon 2. So, you decided on the theme of the next game based on the results of the Splatfest that players participated in? Does that mean even...
We decided on chaos as the theme for this title because Team Chaos won the "Chaos vs. Order" Splatfest, the final online battle event of Splatoon 2. So, you decided on the theme of the next game based on the results of the Splatfest that players participated in? Does that mean even...